Monthly Shaarli

All links of one month in a single page.

November, 2021

Simple Raspberry Pi WiFi Extender - Pi My Life Up

A Raspberry Pi WiFi Extender is a cheap and power efficient way of increasing the total range of your WiFi Network by just using two Wi-Fi adaptors.

HOW-TO:Install Kodi for Linux - Official Kodi Wiki

Fixing kodi controller (xbox360 etc) input issues on mint and ubuntu and other debian derivatives - follow these steps (with an additional apt update in between) and you will have the necessary packages to actually use your controller for input.

Guide to a full disk encrypted, KDE enabled, X11 or Wayland Void Linux installation

Completely walkthrough operations manual -- with various considerations along the way.

Light-weight matrix server in rust

Currently still in beta, missing some features like E2E verification over federation, typing notifications, etc.
But makes matrix server runnable on an ODROID so it can't be too bad ;)

Profiling zsh startup time

Benchmarking the time zsh takes to start up (though I believe it is more accurate with my own benchmark script for the simple absolute time output).

What is really useful however is the percentage, i.e. relative time output of individual function calls by zsh itself.

What it boils down to is putting zmodload zsh/zprof on top of your startup (e.g. .zshrc) and zprof at the very end.
When creating a new shell this will nicely output whatever happens in between.

GitHub - patrikx3/gitlist - private git ui repository viewer

"🤖 A decorated enhanced elegant, feature rich and modern private git ui repository viewer"

Looks a little like a debloated gitea (which is already quite a debloated gitlab). Nice to look at, only made for browsing so no interaction, pull request, users, issues, merge requests, wiki, etc.

But a nice branch network graph and commit logs, README preview and repository browser.

homebrewserver - hosting it yourself at small scale and from home

A gathering of people looking to brew servers at home, for low-cost/-power/-maintenance results. Contains a bunch of hardware/software guides for simple diy self-hosting at home.

Upgrading and Migrating data from postgres 12 to 13

A detailed and useful guide for the migration process.
Also contains a link to a similar guide from postgres 13 to 14, where some password modification is needed.

Day Planner - Fowl Language Comics

The procastinators' dilemma.

Jellyfin with s3 backend

Wanted to run a media server on a server but don't have the storage? This is a (very rough) guide for accomplishing it with an s3 backend - AWS, wasabi, minio, whatever.

Makes use of rclone to let you access a bucket locally and then point jellyfin to said bucket.

Disabling suspend / turn off functions for laptop lid closing

Several options that can be set simply through a single file variable for systemd logind.

Essen bei Durchfall / Magen-Darm / Übelkeit

Fastenzeit bei Durchfall? Das muss nicht sein. Wer weiß, worauf es in puncto Essen bei Durchfall ankommt, kann für neue Energie sorgen.

Empfohlene Nahrung:

  • Haferflocken (am besten nicht Vollkorn) -- Haferschleim beruhigt Magen
  • Äpfel, v.a. Schalen viel Pektin (Apfel reiben und 15 Minuten stehen lassen, bestens)
  • Bananen, am besten zerdrückt
  • Gemüsebrühe - Mineralien und Flüssigkeit, beides was bei Entleerungen verloren geht
  • Möhren, gekocht - magenfreundlich, aber schwierig zu verdauen roh
  • Zwieback - fettarm, leicht verdaulich

d.h. zB

  • Apfel, Möhren Salat
  • Möhren-Gemüsebrühe Suppe (e.g. mit Zwieback)
  • Bananendesert, od. Haferflocken mit Bananen
rtl8723be wifi performance is very poor [SOLVED] - Linux Mint Forums

Fixing the network performance of a very specific laptop wifi chip pretty easily (especially for NetworkManager).

Currently the best approach on my Lenovo is the parameter set:
modprobe rtl8723be fwlps=0 ant_sel=2 ips=0 swlps=0 swenc=0 disable_watchdog=0

But it also worked with other configurations and does not seem stable. Some suggest turning swenc and swlps on for better perfomance.

Explanation of options here

YAD Examples

Very complex examples for YAD (a zenity fork), standing for yet another dialog.

Creates full option menus and a search window!
I live more in the console, but this is still very impressive.

GitHub - rvaiya/keyd: A key remapping daemon for linux.

A key remapping daemon for linux. Contribute to rvaiya/keyd development by creating an account on GitHub. Allows even easier remapping of capslock to escape/ctrl, just like xcape.

Works on any compositor / display server since it works at a system level.

GitHub - nix-community/nixpkgs-wayland: Automated, pre-built packages for Wayland (sway/wlroots) tools for NixOS. [maintainer=@colemickens]

Fully functioning wayland environment with many different pre-chosen applications (image viewer, screenshot grabber, clipboard manager, etc).

Intended for nixOS but the choices can give hints as to how to setup a working wayland environment.

Luxtorpeda - Native engine reimplementations for linux

A giant list of older games re-implemented or made to work natively on Linux with Luxtorpeda (a steam compatibility tool, nicely selectable from within Steam itself).

Compatibility layer here:

GitHub - PaulCombal/SamRewritten: Steam Achievement Manager For Linux. Rewritten in C++.

Unlock, re-lock, and change at will any achievements in Steam. Open-source, linux-based, very interesting.

Webtop - Fully working Alpine, Ubuntu, Fedora, or Arch running in your browser

Webtop - Alpine, Ubuntu, Fedora, and Arch based docker containers containing full desktop environments in officially supported flavors accessible via any modern web browser.

You simply navigate to the hosted page and can instantly work in your favorite linux environment --- this seems extremely futuristic. And could be useful to many (I am thinking e.g. of using Windows-only library PCs or doing something at a family's/ friend's house).

Improving the code from the official Go RESTful API tutorial

A rewrite of the go rest tutorial (originally using gin) only using stdlib and trying to fix some code-practices issues that the author sees in the original. Brilliant to learn and improve from.

Watchy - Open source e-ink smartwatch

Open-source smartwatch that is fully arduino programmable (run by an ESP32), usually lasts 5-7 days and costs around $50.

Quite a few watchface examples exist online. From what I understand, the watchface is the firmware for this clock,
so no too easy changes there.

There are assembly kits with a case that can be bought for some $ more that will keep the watch a bit more safe (though not e.g. swimmingpool ready). The watch/display so far only exists in square shape.

A Beginners Guide to Debian CLI Based File Servers - Guides and Tutorials - Linus Tech Tips

Setting up a simple NAS without using TrueNAS / FreeNAS / Openmediavault, but containing ZFS, Samba sharing and ssh access.

GitHub - arendst/Tasmota: Alternative firmware for ESP chipped iot hardware (lightbulbs etc)

Alternative firmware for ESP8266 with easy configuration using webUI, OTA updates, automation using timers or rules, expandability and entirely local control over MQTT, HTTP, Serial or KNX. Full documentation at - GitHub - arendst/Tasmota: Alternative firmware for ESP8266 with easy configuration using webUI, OTA updates, automation using timers or rules, expandability and entirely local control over MQTT, HTTP, Serial or KNX.

GitHub - tom472/mediabox: Container based media tools configuration
Galaxy S4 with Lineage OTA Update procedure
  • if spoofing already enabled in recovery image:

  • usually it should just require the following three steps:

    • download magisk apk from github (topjohnwu repo), rename to zip
    • enter recovery mode (hold power+vol up+home, release power on first vibrate)
    • choose apply update, do sudo adb start-server sudo adb sideload > wait for it to install
    • then reboot
    • go to microg and click the checkmarks and it should ask you if it should be spoofed
  • if new/stock recovery image:

  • do this whole procedure

  • flash the two resulting files with magisk (installed like the three steps before)

  • reboot and hope for the best

  • go to microg settings and click on the spoofing test thingies until everything has a checkmark

interception / linux / plugins / Dual Function Keys · GitLab

extended xcape alternative, also working under wayland. Can be used to remap any key to output any key (combination) on single tap or long hold. Can also be configured for special double-tap setting that I have not fully understood yet.

dangerzone! | newsbeuter-dangerzone

Enhanced, modular, bookmarking for newsboat, newsbeuter, or (for that matter) anything that can pass a title and an URL to a program - even from your clipboard.

A list of 'chill' games

Chill is a bit of a stretchy definition for this one, (e.g. Celeste might be a cozy adventure but rarely chill gameplay, Owlboy is also very hype)
but they are at least generally in the chill-comfy-cozy zone for much of their runtime

GitHub - Try/OpenGothic: Reimplementation of Gothic 2 Notr

Play Gothic 2 on modern systems with ease! Open source reimplementation of the game engine.

vorta - a GUI interface for borg backup

Desktop Backup Client for Borg. Contribute to borgbase/vorta development by creating an account on GitHub.

How to determine when new container is truly "ready" · Issue #146 · docker-library/postgres

Postgres docker containers have a problem of multiple restarts.
A simple way to check for them being 'up' up (i.e. initialized, reachable, and ready) is not through pg_isready but instead by checking on the set database port (default 5432) if a connection can be established.

It will not send anything back really since it's not designed as an http server. So curl -sFfI db:5432 for example will get back 52 Empty Reply with status code 52. If you want to check with that make sure to compare to error code 52!

The easiest option if another container has to wait for this one to start up (and especially in a docker stack environment where no wait_for option exists) is:
nc db 5432 which will only return true when the port is ready.

An example for the nextcloud fpm container waiting for database readiness:
entrypoint: sh -c "while !(nc -z db 5432); do sleep 1; done; / php-fpm"

GitHub - rosario/kasper: Ghost's default theme (Casper v1.0) on Jekyll

Jekyll theme mimicking the ghost blogging platform theme.

GitHub - teal-language/tl: The compiler for Teal, a typed dialect of Lua

The compiler for Teal, a typed dialect of Lua. Contribute to teal-language/tl development by creating an account on GitHub.

ZFS single disk setup and best practices

A step-by-step protocol and links with further information on setting up zfs for a single disk.

Additionally, this reddit thread has more information on things to watch out for, especially alignments and similar tidbits.