Monthly Shaarli

All links of one month in a single page.

October, 2021

MIT vs Apache vs GPL licenses

Brilliant short explanation of the difference between the three popular FOSS (/OSS) licenses.
Boiling it down to 'what are you afraid of' really helps quick decision-making.

Random Nerd Tutorials | Learn ESP32, ESP8266, Arduino, and Raspberry Pi

A huge array of tutorials focusing especially on ESP32 - explanations of working with different sensors (magnetic, light, touch, temperature and humidity, ...), different protocols (http, mqtt, ...), and larger guides like a cloud weather station.

Data Glasses Head Mounted Display for Multi-meter with Arduino

A display constructed out of common materials, giving you HMD overview of a connected sensor (through bluetooth).
Idea can probably be converted slightly for a more thorough / programmable HUD on the glasses.

Prototype presented here was roughly 70€

GitHub - woop/awesome-quantified-self: Websites, Resources, Devices, Wearables, Applications, and Platforms for Self Tracking

List of quantified self resources - some outdated and some missing (Grafana would fit into many qs deployments, datasette, etc) but not bad for an overview.

The homely mutt - local e-mail setup

A comprehensive writeup of setting up offlineimap, mutt, and notmuch.

Being a bit older it does not consider isync/mbsync nor neomutt - but the ideas and logic behind decisions is explained very well.

How I use tailscale - Stan's blog

A review of Tailscale, "a secure network that just works".

Uses wireguard to create an encrypted tunnel between all your devices. Automatically takes care of NAT, DNS, and similar.
Essentially makes it really easy to set up your true private network within the wider one.

Also comes with 'taildrop' which mimics airdrop to easily transfer any files between your devices,
but do so without any involvement of external cloud services and completely encrypted.

GitHub - rafaelmartins/marrie: A simple podcast client that runs on the CLI.

A super simple podcast fetcher/downloader. Can be automated with cron or similar. Seems nice in that it only requires minimal configuration and is entirely cli focused.

The Internet of Things with ESP32

Super comprehensive overview of everything Esspresif ESP32.

Datasheets, guides, books, tutorials, inspiration, code snippets -- literally everything you could need for programming with ESP32s.

Fixing dell xps13 wifi drivers // Updating wifi card firmware

A quick guide on how to update xps13 wifi card firmware to newer versions.
Should rarely be necessary since they get merged to the kernel sooner or later,
but might nevertheless be useful.

Arduino Weather Station

Creating a weather station for air pressure, temperature, rain, humidity (soil and air).

Grabbing and storing personal data

karlicoss of the data liberation project HPI explains how to best store and access data moved from various points in the cloud/web/internet to your drives and why databases might not always be the best choice.

Save your grabbed data without any manipulation.
Let the manipulation happen every time you access/interpret the data.
If you have slices of data (mostly time frames), don't try to merge them on disk but save as extra files and merge on access/interpretation as well.
You can make use of databases for access caching since the last points generate some overhead for each access.

Creating a local email setup with mbsync + msmtp + neomutt + notmuch

Fully localized, one of the rare guides using neomutt instead of mutt as well as msmtp for mail relay.

GitHub - dspinellis/git-issue: Git-based decentralized issue management

issue management directly integrated into git repository and invoked as if part of the git suite. Contains integration for importing/exporting (and even syncing automatically I believe) to GitHub/Lab.

A presentation talk or solely its command line video

TuDu - hierarchical todo lists for the terminal

A visual representation of the todos, mimicking something like workflowy or dynalist.

GitHub - LukeBriggsDev/Pepys: A Straightforward Markdown Journal

Simple, efficient and pretty.
A minimal GUI Journaling application - it gets out of your way and allows you to write in markdown.

One neat feature is its calendar view which lists the quick titles of your journal entries for days passed and thus gives you an overview of what you did when and when you were journaling.

If you need a terminal equivalent use jrnl instead.

Arduino from the Command Line: Break Free from the GUI with Git and Vim!

A comprehensive beginner's guide to setting up Arduino programming from vim and the commandline.

Starts with sample blink program, with classic Arduino board,
but quickly moves on to usage with an ESP8266 (so, easily adaptable to ESP32 boards) and with an included library (in this case Adafruit Neopixels).

A Beginner's Guide to Arduino

An extensive introduction to all things Arduino and circuitry - goes through setting up and using Arduino, various electrical components, foundations of electrical engineering, analog parts, communication with computers, and more.

Replace smartwatch compation softwares for Android phone with this app

A free and cloudless replacement for your gadget vendors' closed source Android applications. See the list for supported devices.

GitHub - newsdev/stevedore: search document dumps: ingest and explore in one extensible framework

search document dumps: ingest and explore in one extensible framework - GitHub - newsdev/stevedore: search document dumps: ingest and explore in one extensible framework

GitHub - luong-komorebi/Awesome-Linux-Software: A list of awesome applications, software, tools and other materials for Linux distros.

Many many Linux softwares. Mostly useful as an overview for someone looking for a software in a specific area of computing (audio engineering, writing, database editing, programming, ..) since they are nicely sorted and allow an overview of FOSS alternatives to various software needs.