Monthly Shaarli

All links of one month in a single page.

September, 2021

Controlling Your Cloud: Integrating Nextcloud Into Your Workflow :: Gideon Wolfe
Authenticated Boot and Disk Encryption on Linux

Poettering writes on the full safely encrypted boot chain for encryption at rest and going byond FDE provided by LUKS, especially regarding individually encrypted home directories.

GitHub - Diolinux/PhotoGIMP: A Patch for GIMP 2.10+ for Photoshop Users

Mimcs photoshop a little more - especially in layout and shortcuts - by changing GIMP settings around.
Also installs a ton of fonts by default.

Setting up signature spoofing on unsupported roms

How to get Signature Spoofing working on Android 11 (R) Roms that have no support for Signature Spoofing?

Used it for Samsung Galaxy S4 with LineageOS and works quite well.

GitHub - mrossinek/cobib: Console Bibliography

TUI/cli terminal bibliography manager. Can read and export bibtex, keeps its files in plaintext (yaml I believe?) and can thus be versioned, even comes with integrated git support.

Make a job-winning resume for free | CV creator

Some simple pointers and inspiration to be taken from here,
but generally probably still better to be accomplished in LaTeX than this application

How do I set up location services with MicroG and LineageOS? : MicroG