Monthly Shaarli

All links of one month in a single page.

August, 2021

Modern Web Annoyances

An example of all the nuisances of modern websites

My use of Taskwarrior ยท GitHub

In-depth workflow example from a longtime taskwarrior user.

Includes explanation of what to do when syncing taskwarrior with other installations (e.g. android) to avoid doubling up of recurring tasks!

GitHub - posativ/isso: a Disqus alternative

a Disqus alternative.

Allows embedding a simple comment system into static site generators with some simple javascript and an sqlite database.

How to develop yourself in data engineering

Also, a really generic template you could use is something like this: 1. Find a data blob, API, or web scrape a site for raw data you're interested in. 2. Figure out how to store that data. Do you need a relational database or maybe NoSQL? How will the records be stored and what does your data model look like? 3. Use analytics packages like numpy or something else, draw conclusions or find interesting themes about your data 4. Now do something with it! Maybe a front end to display it all. You can use Dash to build a quick and light visualization of your findings or something more full stack like a Django application or even Flask. Totally up to you.

reddit permalink

Making a random quote machine in different flavors

Series of writings on how to build a random quote machine using 11 different front end stacks.

Goes into html, css, (vanilla) javascript, json, REST api, Redux, react hooks. Seems very educational.

SQLite Tutorial - An Easy Way to Master SQLite Fast

Very nice introductory page to SQLite, how to work with it, its peculiarities and so on.

searchr: Command line tool for plain text file indexing and searching

A very simple full-text search tool for plaintext files.
Can support multiple indexes, uses established search db library, is set up with a single config file.

Commento - Disqus alternative

Simple isso / disqus alternative.

Seems relatively simple to implement, can allow anonymous and social login comments; super small; clean; developed on gitlab. Seems like a solid choice

GitHub - meli/meli: ๐Ÿ experimental terminal mail client

MUA for terminal, integrates automatically with notmuch for indexing searching etc, but otherwise intended to be combined with other programs to fetch, send, compose mail (e.g. offlineimap, msmtp, vim).

Looks very promising but is still in early alpha stage - e.g. no imap caching for now and so on

GitHub - muennich/sxiv: Simple X Image Viewer

Simple X Image Viewer.

Compare Prices of All Top-Level Domains | TLD List

Listing of thousands of domains which you can filter and sort by registration costs, renewal costs and, most usefully, the amount you will have to pay to keep the domain for 3 years.

Domain name choices // DNS

GitHub - snowpackjs/astro: ๐Ÿš€๐Ÿง‘โ€๐Ÿš€ Keep your eyes to the skies, astronauts!

A static site generator (similar to hugo et al.) whose sites can be built in any of the big web frameworks (react, vue, angular, svelte, or -- they claim -- any other for that matter).

It also boils everything down to plain html but let's you embed javascript components if you wish,
and those components will only be loaded if the user actually scolls to them ('island design').

Sounds very promising, currently in early beta.

SImple blog tutorial here:

python - How can I convert JSON to CSV? - Stack Overflow

easiest answer is with pandas as a library:

df = pd.read_json('inputfile.json')

df.to_csv('outputfile.csv', encoding='utf-8', index = False)

read_json converts a JSON string to a pandas object (either a series or dataframe).
to_csv can either return a string or write directly to a csv-file. See the docs for to_csv.

works best when json is an array of structured objects (unstructured data, see SO answer in link)

additional pandas to csv tips see this SO thread

Hugo Comments | PรคksTech

A huge variety of comment system implementations for static content site generators (especially hugo) introduced.

GitHub - karlch/vimiv-qt: An image viewer with vim-like keybindings

sxiv with vim bindings

Best terminal mail client

What is you favourite mail client in terminal and why?

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Home โ€” Barton Poulson

Various statistics courses hosted for free

TJ explaining vim.schedule. Really good for plugin dev