Monthly Shaarli
April, 2021
Adding a rockpi as a network device to a host pc. I.e. networking over usb. Could be useful for low-latency vnc streaming.
Extensive hardening guide from kernel, firewalls, swap, to userspace and more, covering pretty much all eventualities
To switch between headphones and speakers in pulseaudio activated pc quickly:
pactl set-sink-port [YOUR AUDIO CARD] analog-output-headphones | analog-output-speakers
Hi everyone,
I'm part of the team behind Zellij, and today we're very excited and proud to announce we've released a beta version!
This version should be relatively stable for every day use (we all use it ourselves :)) and includes a nice basic feature-set that we're iterating over and adding to.
If you'd like to read more, here's the announcement:
And here's a direct link to the repository:
This release also includes the beginnings of our WebAssembly plugin system. You can read more about how to develop plugins in our documentation:
I hope you like the tool!
A whole library of interfaces to extract quantified self data through (more or less) simple python scripts.
powers ad is explained by many of the thoughts in beepboop
An interesting approach using sql database to store tasks and retrieve them with all kinds of tools
"TMSU is a tool for tagging your files. It provides a simple command-line utility for applying tags and a virtual filesystem to give you a tag-based view of your files from any other program.
TMSU does not alter your files in any way: they remain unchanged on disk, or on the network, wherever your put them. TMSU maintains its own database and you simply gain an additional view, which you can mount where you like, based upon the tags you set up."
Interesting application of file tagging with a sqlite db in the background. Can be used to view your files in a virtual fs as tagged and so on. On the other hand, the vfs makes use of soft links and not hard links like I would have presumed.
Using an s3 backend (like wasabi, spaces, minio or others) as the block storage for a jellyfin (vps or homelab) installation with rclone. A bit fiddly, but can probably be adapted to iac -style docker stacks and so on.
"Sia is the leading decentralized cloud storage platform. No signups, no servers, no trusted third parties. Sia leverages blockchain technology to create a data storage marketplace that is more robust and more affordable than traditional cloud storage providers."
You 'rent' space on users' unused storage and it gets saved with 3x redundancy in decentralized, encrypted blocks. Sounds interesting and is pretty cheap (~$4 per TB) so could be something to look into more
tmux setup for session sharing, window sharing but also session sharing with independent window usage, quite neat
LineageOS with any google play services replaced by the open-source microG framework
Allows developing raw (and other) formatted photos, mimicks lightroom and carries similar editing capabilities.
Good library management.
python testing resources:
- getting started with python testing:
- testing cli apps:
- techniques for cli testing:
- writing doctests:
- doctest documentation:
Create reverse proxy pointing to your pc. Somewhat of a servei / ngrok replacement, still functioning and free as far as I can see.
Connecting ipad to raspberry (over usb vnc, so latency should be minimal) to enable a linux desktop experience (ssh or vnc).
Then connect a keyboard and you should be off to the races.
Stumbled upon this Fast API Tutorial and was surprised at how thorough this guy is. The link is part 21! Each part is dedicated to adding some small component to a fake cleaning marketplace API. It seems to cover a lot but some of the key takeaways are best practices, software design patterns, API Authentication via JWT, DB Migrations and of course FastAPI. From his GitHub profile, looks like the author used to be a CS teacher which explains why this is such a well thought out tutorial. I don't necessarily agree with everything since I already have my own established style and mannerisms but for someone looking to learn how to write API's this is a great resource.
An in-depth audio ripping guide for EAC
Steps to take to declutter the home directory in linux -- with the most drastic being setting it to read-only.
Very cute little idea: basically an ebook-serving web page, but with some features that make it more like a little lend-a-book library:
- you can have single-borrowing, meaning when somebody downloads an ebook it is gone from the server until they reupload it.
- it shows you who else is currently 'browsing' the little library
- you can leave a little note for books you put into the library to tell others why they're cool
- it's designed for drm free ebooks of different varieties (mobi, djvu, epub, etc)
- it looks like a small wooden bookshelf
Open source, experimental, and tiny tools roundup.
Mainly themed around creation, graphically, such as generative art, games and word play.
Contains lots of nice little tools, some of which are truly not famous yet.
Use ranger as chrome file picker dialog. GitHub Gist: instantly share code, notes, and snippets.
linux - Integration of afuse user-level automounter with sshfs as a systemd service spawned from login for local users - Unix & Linux Stack Exchange
Ends up creating a folder on the home directory which automatically creates virtual directories, e.g. if you ls to folder/
it will ssh to the respective server and mount it. Only works with key-based authorization (afaik) and you need to have the server mounted or connected at least once before to add it to known hosts (or disabled known hosts, but I don't recommend that).
I am having some troubles with it (stuck shell on opening a new terminal) which I believe is due to the service type being forking but sshfs/ssh not quite forking into the background.
A simple systemd mount unit (with systemd-automount) also works well.
Using network usage monitoring tools in linux: IPTraf, iftop, nethog
Whereas the first two show usage per port/ip, nethog does so per running user process.
In this article, we will explain a few tools that will allow you to check network usage per process in your Linux system. These tools include IPTraf, Iftop and Nethog. With the help of these tools, you can identify which process or port number is draining much of the network bandwidth.
I just find out that this rom could be...
step by step guides for getting it to run on an admittedly older phone
A complete and concise bib(la)tex parser for rust, allows you to access things as Bibliography collections and comes with a few formatting niceties
What are the best guides for learning zsh for someone that prefers seeing concreete examples that work? I have a hard time reading/understanding the man pages. I am trying to write very simple scripts but I don't understand how to do basic things like creating and using variables:
d= date -v +1d '+%m_%d_%ydayPlan.rtf' #tomorrow's date with underscores + 'dayPlan.rtf'
touch /Users/mangoQuesadilla/Documents/dayplans/${d} #supposed to create a file, but it doesn't work.
Uses GitHub markdown API (actually queries it for rendering) and displays your readme files.
Can be used just to display github readmes and preview your own project ones, but also to transform markdown files to html-formatted ones (without e.g. pandoc), to create local copies of github wikis (example at link), etc.
An incredibly thorough guide to online anonymity (and/or privacy) from laptop and phone handling through encryption to password and identity management.
Most flexible solution to the problem should be some variation of:
find $DIRECTORY -type f -print0 | xargs -0 stat --format '%Y :%y %n' | sort -nr | cut -d: -f2- | head
A terminal workspace with batteries included. Contribute to zellij-org/zellij development by creating an account on GitHub.
A very gentle introduction to the terminal and working with shell environments for researchers.
Assist in organizing your piles of documents, resulting from scanners, e-mails and other sources with miminal effort. - eikek/docspell
Mirrors paperless, but comes with more features regarding ocr (NLP, a learning engine, auto-tagging etc), saves the originals and the pdf versions, can send e-mail, has a much more advanced web interface -- but also consumes more resources.
Hello Neovim lovers,
Many of you liked the previous article of my series about learning Vim (or Neovim) from the ground up. Good news: the fourth part is out!
I explain in this article
- How Vim regex work.
- Useful keystrokes for INSERT mode and VISUAL mode.
- How to insert special characters easily.
- How to work with shell commands.
- How to fold some content.
- ... and more!
Any feedback (positive or negative) is more than welcome!
Using caddy to run nextcloud as a host and reverse proxy with rewriting and so on
Building arm and arm64 versions of docker images with docker hub autobuilder, by using qemu emulation for the different arches
Process image, video, audio, or text data using deep learning models from the Model Asset Exchange in Node-RED flows.
Raw file editing software, mimicking lightroom or darktable for editing capabilities with fewer library features.
A youtube-dl fork with an astounding number of new features. Most interesting to me are sponsorblock integration, thumbnail embedding, multithreading, and comment downloading
nice commandline client for transmission
'Simple' kanboard software - just boards and cards, with a few nice workflow features like highlighting a column that fills up too much.