Monthly Shaarli

All links of one month in a single page.

May, 2021

GitHub - AsamK/signal-cli: signal-cli provides a commandline and dbus interface for signalapp/libsignal-service-java

Send and receive messages via signal from the commandline. Can register its own 'username' (i.e. phone number)

Punk by the country : Denmark : punk

Danish punk bands - they do exist!

Tune Your Hard Disk with hdparm

Introduction of various possibilities of HDD/SSD monitoring and changing settings (caching, sleep, speed, etc.) with the help of hdparm tool.

<a href="https://fosstodon

@kzimmermannWe looked into it once and were turned away for some reason, its might've been the centralisation and/or Cloudflare.

GitHub - huggingface/transformers: 🤗Transformers: State-of-the-art Natural Language Processing for Pytorch and TensorFlow 2.0.

Pre-made models trained for natural language processing -- can summarize, generate, identify, answer questions, etc.

Building data liberation infrastructure | beepb00p

Very in-depth deliberations on continually exporting data from various siloed services in pursuit of more holistic quantified self approach.


Computer Assisted Text Markup and Analysis"

allows content analysis, qualitative, quantitative, etc

GitHub - ccbogel/QualCoder at 2.5

Qualitative data analysis for text, images, audio, video. Cross platform. Python 3.6 or newer and PyQt5. - ccbogel/QualCoder

Don't ask to ask, just ask

"There are plenty of reasons why people who DO have the knowledge would not admit to it. By asking, you're asking for more than what you think you're asking.

You're asking people to take responsibility. You're questioning people's confidence in their abilities. You're also unnecessarily walling other people out. I often answer questions related to languages or libraries I have never used, because the answers are (in a programmer kind of way) common sense."

How to upload files to NextCloud using only a shell script

A script made to upload and share things, copying the share link to your clipboard, with simple logic.

GitHub - mollyim/mollyim-android: A fork of Signal for Android with passphrase lock.

FOSS-enabled signal fork with additional database encryptions and a cuter name.

Using F-Droid "DeGoogle" - #20 by Izzy - F-Droid Forum

Amazing explanation of MicroG ways of working and functionality.

Data Layout and Schema Design Best Practices for InfluxDB | InfluxData

This post shows how to figure out the best data layout for InfluxDB v2, some schema design best practices, and a schema development example.

luks - How to force a custom disk encryption on a google cloud compute instance (gcloud)? - Unix & Linux Stack Exchange

Google cloud services (computing instance) offer encryption by default for disk storage, the customer can provide its own key with the feature customer supplied encryption (detailed here also).

How can we apply a disk encryption with cryptsetup without giving the encryption key to google?

How to be more structured in formulating queries for SQL interviews?

When I work on sql queries I usually start with a base query and edit as I go depending on the requirements, sometimes running the query and debugging. However, after being in a sql interview it seems like this approach doesn’t work the best for interviews as I frequently go down the wrong path before correcting myself, and especially not in situations where I can’t actually run intermediate queries.

What’s a good approach for working out a sql query in a structured way?

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Neuron Zettelkasten

An interesting zettelkasten approach that strives to be editor-agnostic, plain-text, and adaptible.

Its main draw seems to be the automatic creation of a zettel heteronomy, html publication, and extensive plugin possibilities.

github repo here

nvim plugin here

restic backup strategies

Contains some restic backup strategy ideas and advice

GitLab CI/CD: building multiarch Docker images - Stack Overflow

A really nice way of using gitlab ci to build images for multiple arches (especially arm and amd64).

Free Programming Books –

A collection of programming notebooks (bash, go, Python, etc) collected from stackoverflow discussions

GitHub - vivien/i3blocks-contrib: Official repository for community contributed blocklets

Official repository for community contributed blocklets.

scripts and helper modules for i3blocks - but can presumably be adapted for polybar/yambar/lemonbar etc

GitHub - burtonator/polar-bookshelf: Polar is a personal knowledge repository for PDF and web content supporting incremental reading and document annotation.

Interesting reference-manager-like application (i.e. "integrated reading environment").

Interesting features:

  • incremental reading (showing & remembering progress per article, allowing bookmarking automation)
  • annotation sidebar (automatic creation of color-coded annotation overview, a-la Adobe Reader)
  • anki card sync (allows creation of cards directly from annotations and sync to anki, with back reference to annotation context)
Configuring Neovim using Lua

And switching from init.vim to init.lua

Nicely explained, going over both basics and some more intermediate ideas of switching to lua

Creating a lua status line for nvim

example of a lua statusline for neovim with explanation

[Question] Books on more philosophical aspect of Statistics?

Hello, I recently got interested in statistics and wanted to read some books that would give me a good introduction to it.

I'm not looking for a book that goes more technical and teaches me about the different techniques, but I was hoping to find some book that talks about maybe what exactly is valid data, etc... more like meta-statistics? or more philosophical statistics?

I hope my question makes sense...


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