Weekly Shaarli

All links of one week in a single page.

Week 06 (February 3, 2020)

boxes - Overview

drawing boxes on the commandline.

Surrounding things, making tuis pop, all sorts of rectangles, decorations, and surroundings

GitHub - picodotdev/alis: Arch Linux Install Script (alis) installs unattended, automated and customized Arch Linux system.

Arch Linux Install Script (alis) installs unattended, automated and customized Arch Linux system. - picodotdev

GitHub - shaarli/python-shaarli-client: Python3 CLI to interact with a Shaarli instance

Python3 CLI to interact with a Shaarli instance. Contribute to shaarli

Note: Typesetting languages
  • SILE -- rewriting large parts of TeX engine in LUA, allows side-by-side publishing; has bibtex extension
  • Patoline -- more restricted to core functions?
  • Pollen -- functional programming within a book, 'programming' your book, meant for online publishing
Note: GPG management, best practices and resources
Steven R. Baker | Managing Dotfiles with GNU Stow
KVM / QEMU based Windows 10 VM - Step by Step - Dennis' Notes
Note: URxvt Terminal Resources
Note: Vim Plugins to look at
  • vim-clap -- general purpose finder, opener, quickfix list display, preview window, akin to ctrlP, denite, etc; uses nvim's floating window, handles many files, can do rg and fzf, looks very nice. Lots of screenshots and demonstration gifs
  • vim-buffet -- takes your buffers and tabs, and shows them combined in the tabline
  • vimade -- fade buffers that are not active slightly from view
  • vim-test -- from your code runs nearly any corresponding test file, can do so asynchronously, many test run strategies
  • indentLine -- show thin indentation markers for each line
  • startify -- show a start-screen on running vim
  • semantic-highlight / nvim-colorcoder -- highlights variables in different colors, instead of code keywords see article
  • vista.vim -- display a sidebar with function/variable name tree (from ctags or lsp)
  • vim-tabular -- vim-cast explanation semi-automatically align many characters (e.g. all = declarations, a table with | pipes, etc) -- or vim-easy-align which might be more featureful
  • switch.vim -- switch between two (or more) different version of a word/line/code fragment (screencast included). Seems really useful for potential elif <-> else substitutions and similar
  • speeddating -- I am fairly sure i have something like this enabled; figure out how to disable? the shortcuts work for numbers for me
  • boxes -- boxes, for generating comments and surrounding stuff (by using dispatch or a text-filter)
    -> many more plugins, sorted by category: https://github.com/mhinz/vim-galore/blob/master/PLUGINS.md
  • gundo.vim -- a graphical representation of the vim undo tree to jump around to any change made (map it to something like leader-u as a stronger undo)
  • vim-orgmode -- emacs orgmode, but in vim
  • vim-table-mode -- create and align tables; seems a tad complicated
GitHub - zunit-zsh/zunit: A powerful testing framework for ZSH projects

A powerful testing framework for ZSH projects. Contribute to zunit-zsh

A User's Guide to the Z-Shell

zsh general guide, going increasingly in-depth

Tutorials - Leaflet - a JavaScript library for interactive maps
GitHub - haya14busa/vim-asterisk: *-Improved

:snowflake: *-Improved. Contribute to haya14busa

Custom Vim Bindings in tmux 2.4 | George Ornbo

tmux 2.4 made a significant change to key bindings. Here is how to support custom keybindings for versions before and after tmux 2.4

terminal - Can I use a non-monospaced font in either Vim or gVim? - Vi and Vim Stack Exchange

Serif possibility for writing in terminal?

bibliographies - How to cite chapter in book? - TeX - LaTeX Stack Exchange

Bibtex field type explanations

Note: Commandline CLI applications and utilities to check out
  • fd to replace find
  • bat to replace cat
  • keybase providing keybase_bin func w/o interface bloat
  • efibootmgr to replace grub
  • upstart or another to replace systemd
  • ncdu -- ncurses disk usage analyzer
Awk pattern matching

Instead of using sed ''command "file" | awk 'operation' you can just do it all with awk alone and avoid pipelines (|) ... awk 'command' "infile" >> "outfile"

You can pattern match with awk just like you are with sed... awk '!/^#/ {print}' .. this // acts as a pattern match of the current line just like sed, the ! just negates it, you can also chain them together with && and || .. awk '!/^#/ && !/^$/ {print}' prints all lines except commented and blank ones.

Note: Custom PKBUILD and package Repository
Micro - An extensible editor small fast and one binary

Can be installed with https://getmic.ro | bash and already runs at full speed ahead.

Seems like a viable alternative for systems where getting vim eco-system set up is not feasible.

GitHub - atisharma/searchtobibtex: Performs a search and uses the resulting DOI to create a new bibtex entry. Uses the crossref API.

Performs a search and uses the resulting DOI to create a new bibtex entry. Uses the crossref API. - atisharma

Note: Running Windows 10 in a VM in linux (and enabling gaming performance)
Can not use vim-pandoc omnicompletions for cites when vimwiki plugin is install. · Issue #289 · vim-pandoc/vim-pandoc · GitHub

I am a vimwiki user, but now I want to use the vim-pandoc tools to create PDF from markdown files of the wiki. The problem is that the function of omnicomplete, for bib cites, of vim-pandoc does not work when I have installed vimwiki.

solution: add init function to onenter command

OR, if using deoplete to complete:

call deoplete#custom#var('omni', 'input_patterns', {
  \'pandoc': '@\w*',
call deoplete#custom#var('omni', 'functions', {
  \'pandoc': 'pandoc#completion#Complete',

To enable omnifunc completion for pandoc, invoked on @someletters. If your bib-file is large, it will take a second.

(you can also get the completions from multiple functions, using a dict in the functions: pandoc definition, e.g. ['pandoc#completion#Complete', 'wiki#links#aggregate'] )