2582 shaares
89 private links
89 private links
- vim-clap -- general purpose finder, opener, quickfix list display, preview window, akin to ctrlP, denite, etc; uses nvim's floating window, handles many files, can do rg and fzf, looks very nice. Lots of screenshots and demonstration gifs
- vim-buffet -- takes your buffers and tabs, and shows them combined in the tabline
- vimade -- fade buffers that are not active slightly from view
- vim-test -- from your code runs nearly any corresponding test file, can do so asynchronously, many test run strategies
- indentLine -- show thin indentation markers for each line
- startify -- show a start-screen on running vim
- semantic-highlight / nvim-colorcoder -- highlights variables in different colors, instead of code keywords see article
- vista.vim -- display a sidebar with function/variable name tree (from ctags or lsp)
- vim-tabular -- vim-cast explanation semi-automatically align many characters (e.g. all = declarations, a table with | pipes, etc) -- or vim-easy-align which might be more featureful
- switch.vim -- switch between two (or more) different version of a word/line/code fragment (screencast included). Seems really useful for potential elif <-> else substitutions and similar
- speeddating -- I am fairly sure i have something like this enabled; figure out how to disable? the shortcuts work for numbers for me
- boxes -- boxes, for generating comments and surrounding stuff (by using dispatch or a text-filter)
-> many more plugins, sorted by category: https://github.com/mhinz/vim-galore/blob/master/PLUGINS.md - gundo.vim -- a graphical representation of the vim undo tree to jump around to any change made (map it to something like leader-u as a stronger undo)
- vim-orgmode -- emacs orgmode, but in vim
- vim-table-mode -- create and align tables; seems a tad complicated