Monthly Shaarli
August, 2022
A handheld ('cyberdeck'-like) mini-pc made from RPi3. Requires 3d-printing for its case
A selection of data processing libraries for python - image, audio, video, text, tabular - it's all there.
Statistical inferrence, various python plot types and Correlation vs causation explained in a series of blog-posts. Very beginner-friendly with drawings etc
Set up quick runner commands that change per currently active language server. Seems useful for a sort of 'quick access menu' for various command when running e.g. pandoc repeatedly, testing with python, compiling something, etc.
Display image in nvim - using kitty image protocol. Seems like it could be useful for e.g. displaying images for markdown text.
A really interesting open-source (and open data friendly as far as I can see) tool for writing, publishing, sharing, exporting, and interacting on (think peer review) articles and scientific writings. Can probably also be used for other writings but that's the primary intent.
Seems really interesting, as in should delve deeper with this one. Built on W3C standards uses OpenID and other interesting tidbits.
Use lua to write code for the browser (basically provides interop with javascript - so you don't have to write javascript to have javascript browser code)
Python bindings for ripgrep. Seems simple enough!
Record Audio (Audio Recorder by Sony)
Transfer to PC (SwiFTP or similar) [^transfer]
- Noise Profile - Remove Noise
- Compressor to gain audio
- Plugin Vocal Reduction and Isolation - Isolate Voice
- Amplify or Compressor again
- Normalize?
Save as MP3
Tag and Save to .md file 1
Automatic tagging from audacity depending on Google Calendar time? -> use integromat or similar again ↩
Sxhkd clone for Wayland (works on TTY and X11 too) - GitHub - waycrate/swhkd: Sxhkd clone for Wayland (works on TTY and X11 too)
Very clear visual depiction of how exactly due, scheduled, wait and until work in taskwarrior and, more importantly, how they interact with task recurrence!
Inspired by Gooey, just made for the click library. Does not currently have a pypi repository as far as I can see, which makes it a bit harder to integrate into projects.
Command line tool for improving typing skills - can do random sampling from entries you give it, or use machine learning training sets to give you typing tasks (for a variety of programming languages as well!)
Note-taking in tree-like structures (reminds me a tiny bit of things like workflowy).
One neat thing is that it has the concept of 'global' and 'local' trees: you have one global tree on your machine (usually central place for any notes you want to add, that you can call up from wherever, a little like a wiki index or similar).
Then you can have many local trees that just live in cwd under .mind
- perfect for e.g. keeping track of a project's todos (i.e. little code projects for example)
Another fast terminal, written in rust. A lot reminds me of alacritty (though this comes with more extensive features like tabs and multiplexing on its own).
I guess, it reminds me of a terminal looking like alacritty with a feature-set more akin to kitty (which sounds like a good thing!)
Lastly, the terminal implements both sixel and kitty image protocol support so that's nice. Should try it one of these days!
A bunch of (pretty advanced, I guess) scripts that wrap a podman /docker container and allow you to seamlessly use another Linux distribution as your terminal environment - or even for graphical apps should you choose to do so!
Seems pretty useful (wanna run AUR packages on a stable linux distro? Go ahead. Wanna segment your dev and leisure environments but sometimes need to refer to the same files? No problem.)
But above everything it seems legitimately cool. This is one of those projects I'm not sure I'll ever use to its fullest extent but just knowing it's out there, it exists and is awesome gets my imagination going to a wild degree. What an amazing concept!
The XDG method: Create an emacsclient.desktop file that handles the x-scheme-handler/org-protocol MIME type:
[Desktop Entry]
Name=Emacs Client
Exec=emacsclient %u
(Note the MimeType= line above, which is for org-protocol: URIs.)
Put the file in ~/.local/share/applications or /usr/local/share/applications.
You might have to open the file ~/.local/share/applications/mimeapps.list and add a line like this:
Add that under the [Default Applications] section.
You can also achieve the last step via xdg-mime default emacsclient.desktop x-scheme-handler/org-protocol, which is probably the more official way to do it. –
Use zotilo to copy the ID of items to clipboard (can be put on context menu in zotero, or done via shortcut)
Further reference:
Icon-font for all kinds of academic needs (pre-published, peer-reviewed, arxiv, etc). Mimics fontawesome setup but contains much fewer icons. Neat!
A website dedicated to the fascinating world of mathematics and programming.
A whole boatload of exercises you can do in your favorite programming language - And most of them seem byte-sized enough to be done as a daily little training.
Not as advanced of an interface as e.g., but also less involved problems usually - which can be a good thing!
Statistics concepts explained (and tried to do so in plain english). That means some nuance will be lost but might get you to understand results quicker.
Allows you to collaborate on RMarkdown writing through google docs. You will have to use RMarkdown syntax in google docs however, which seems even more cumbersome than plaintext integrations.
As far as I can see on the demonstration, it will also not do anything for better presentation while writing (since it isn't knitting or anything before you download from gdocs again of course). Don't know how well people would adopt this then.
A nice and easy startpage setup for self-hosted apps or personal bookmarks.
Allows (a single?) user authorization to customize bookmarks and apps.
Intended for small homelabs and personal servers I would assume.
But nice and simple design and setup!
A backup solution for Nextcloud (although you still provide the storage ;) as an actual Nextcloud application.
I don't know why I didn't think of this so far.
Restic still definitely has an edge in encryption/deduplication and advanced feature set but this seems way easier to get going - and moves as one coherent package with your Nextcloud instance (i.e. it backs itself up).
You can set repetitions for full and partial backups (in days and times, and only on weekend if desired), and it will automatically put your instance in maintenance mode (so no DB corruption) do its pass, release maintenance mode and do all the compression/splitting/uploading then, so there's as little down-time as necessary.
Seems well thought out, if possibly a little early in development!
Window-manager independent widgets - can create a bar, notification center, shortcut display, clock, weather widget, or whatever without needing to be bound to a specific wm; and seems to be quite configurable.
A collection of wallpaper backgrounds that I find very aesthetic. Not my collection, but the overwhelming majority is something I could imagine peering at day by day.