Monthly Shaarli

All links of one month in a single page.

July, 2022

linux - Bridging wlan0 to eth0 - Server Fault

On Arch Linux, I would like to have eth0 (connected to bridged router) share the connection received from wlan0, I've read tutorials but I'm not command savvy as other users are and don't completely

Linux bridging workarounds for wifi interfaces. The masquerade workaround functions pretty wonderfully.

Your Guide to the Home Network - Homenet Howto

In-depth explanation of (home) network basics. Super guide for creating port-mappings, vlans, subnets and so on!

Running docker inside an unprivileged LXC container on Proxmox -

This is probably the best instructions I have seen for any debian/ubuntu-like LXC guest to run the docker engine. Works with proxmox 7.2x and definitely Ubuntu 22.04, other ubuntus reasonably sure - and I believe with Debian10-11 as well.

Take care to go to the docker docs for the exact installation lines since they are a little different by now than what's written here - the author takes care to mention it as well.

Resizing an NTFS filesystem the command line

A step-by-step explanation of growing/shrinking NTFS partitions in Linux

Hard Drive Burn-in Testing | TrueNAS Community

A very nice HDD system build/test/burn-in guide, showing how to S.M.A.R.T. test and bad sector test your hard drives before first use.

Vital if you want long-living NAS drives etc.

Use Proxmox ZFS as Time Machine with Openmediavault

Setting up a (MacOS) backup solution with proxmox, zfs, omv. I probably don't need apple interoperation, but the zfs pool, sharing and backup process is a nice read.

Install openmediavault on Proxmox | PäksTech

If you want to have a home server with the possibility to run virtual machines but you also need simple local file sharing then the combination of Proxmox and openmediavault could be right for you. In this post (and the accompanying video) we’ll go through the installation of openmediavault on top of Proxmox. I will also show you how to configure a Samba share.

Transitioning to Neomutt and friends for e-mail -

Another writeup of getting set up with Neomutt and the eco system for writing and receiving email.
Includes a little snippet on signing your email with gpg which I found very interesting.

Filtering Bibtex Files with Bibtool - kai arzheimer

Filtering bibtex files based on fields and other criteria is easy with bibtool.

GitHub - Neurrone/beets-audible: Organize Your Audiobook Collection With Beets

Organize Your Audiobook Collection With Beets. Contribute to Neurrone/beets-audible development by creating an account on GitHub.

Wayland virtual pointer tool - similar to warpd - or creating your own lets you move your mouse very quickly by hints and overlays. Unfortunately it is for X only. This is a discussion of existing and creating similar tools

Fixing protonVPN cli connection establishing

For him it was as easy as starting nm-applet before establishing a connection (can be closed after) - and it worked for me as well. I have no idea why.

Python toolkits, resources and helpful tidbits

A nicely compiled list, especially of de-facto fits-for-all standards for package/venv management, testing, linting and some learning resources thrown on top.

4 Reasons Why Your Docker Containers Can't Talk to Each Other - Maxim Orlov

Avoid wasted hours spent on debugging container networking issues by trying these 4 troubleshooting steps.

Very nice breakdown of getting at any docker-internal dns errors or network setup oopsies.

GitHub - penpot/penpot: Penpot - The Open-Source design & prototyping platform

Penpot - The Open-Source design & prototyping platform - GitHub - penpot/penpot: Penpot - The Open-Source design & prototyping platform

Privacy is sexy 🍑🍆 - Enforce privacy & security on Windows and macOS

Web tool to generate scripts for enforcing privacy & security best-practices such as stopping data collection of Windows and different softwares on it.

Can create a script between lax and functionally identical to normal windows running and strict and no bloat at all versions.

WD Easystore 8TB Compendium

An in-depth explanation of what to expect and do when you buy into Western Digital Easystores (and presumably similar WD Elements etc hard drives).

Contains shucking advice contains 3.3V fix advice for internal SATA connections.

Esoteric Tek: How To Create A NAS Using ZFS and Proxmox

An introduction, almost like a check-list from the very basics with links to more advanced reading, to get Proxmox and ZFS set up together.

Writing emails in markdown with neomutt and pandoc - Tom Wemyss

A thorough explanation of (almost) automatically converting your markdown-written mails into both plaintext (keeping the markdown) and html versions and send both as alternative mime types.

That will display html for those clients who can and fall back (or prefer) plaintext for those who don't want to (e.g. neomutt commandlines).

Uses a manually invoked macro (by pressing a letter before sending the mail) to convert the message though I wonder if it could be done automatically through e.g. a send-hook

GitHub - ternes3/TouchControl-for-Android: get control of your broken display android phone

get control of your broken display android phone. Contribute to ternes3/TouchControl-for-Android development by creating an account on GitHub.

GitHub - quarto-dev/quarto-cli: Open-source scientific and technical publishing system built on Pandoc.

RMarkdown for the python world, built on pandoc. This seems like an amazing alternative to the R world (though it includes support for R) and all the bookdown and blogdown alternatives.

GitHub - Fallenbagel/jellyseerr: fork of overseerr for jellyfin support

A fork of overseerr, which is a more stable/modern re-do of ombi which is a way to request movies, series, etc from your htpc mediabox setup.

A nice piece of software and easy to understand.

GitHub - ubahnverleih/WoBike: Documentation of Bike Sharing APIs 🚴🛴🛵

Documentation of Bike Sharing APIs 🚴🛴🛵

Notes and documentation for sharing bikes, scooters and mopeds

GitHub - matrix-org/matrix-bifrost: General purpose bridging with a variety of backends including libpurple and xmpp.js

Matrix bridging that seems one of the further ones in development, containing bridging to XMPP as well

[Guide] NAS Killer 4.0 - fast, quiet, power efficient, and flexible - starting at $125 - [LGA1155] NAS Killer 4.0 - Forums

Built on intel socket 1155 (a mainboard staple for a long time) this details all the components necessary for a stable and durable DIY NAS in a normal tower enclosure (or a rack or a small form factor or a...).

Super in-depth, lots of alternatives and even contains well thought out searches for ebay already as well. Amazing!

An Introduction to ZFS A Place to Start - ServeTheHome

In this article, Nick gives an introduction to ZFS which is a good place to start for the novice user who is contemplating ZFS on Linux or TrueNAS

Quick-glance but in-depth explanations for many topics surrounding ZFS - highly worth a read!

NeoMutt: the Command Line Email Client

Another little writeup for getting set up with NeoMutt

My GPS Logs • Aaron Parecki

How to track your own position with GPS and use the data in interesting ways -

I am especially fond of the 'magic clock' pointing to your current location (Home, Travelling, Shopping, Pub, ...) which strongly reminds me of Harry Potter wizardry. Put it in a nice enclosure and it's a really neat thing for home.

GitHub - advplyr/audiobookshelf: Self-hosted audiobook and podcast server

Self-hosted audiobook and podcast server. Contribute to advplyr/audiobookshelf development by creating an account on GitHub.