Daily Shaarli

All links of one day in a single page.

August 26, 2023

GitHub - homeport/termshot: Creates screenshots based on terminal command output

Wonderfully useful program to show output of terminal commands in screenshots. Not super customizable but the default output looks good enough.

Can be useful for showing people how to accomplish something, blog entries, and especially for READMEs of command line programs.

GitHub - profanity-im/profanity at 0.14.0

Terminal TUI XMPP client. Weee

Elegant commandline argument parsing on the shell

Showing how to combine short (-h) posix options with long-form (--help) gnu-like options while using getopts.

It seems overkill for smaller applications which are probably best off with a simple snippet like:

while :; do
    case "$1" in
    -f | --file) BEMOJI_CUSTOM_LIST="${OPTARG}"; shift 2 ;;
    -h | --help) usage 0 ;;
    -p | --private) bm_private_mode=true; shift ;;
    -v | --version) version ;;
    -*) usage 1 ;;
    *) break ;;

for option gathering, but for more complex setups this could be the way to go.

slidge: XMPP gateway framework

Transports (bridges) for your xmpp server (examples for prosody and ejabberd included) to set up interop with a variety of walled-garden legacy messaging services. Supports for example Signal, Telegram, Whatsapp, Steam, Discord, Mattermost,...