Daily Shaarli

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August 25, 2023

dictionary - How to define hash tables in Bash? - Stack Overflow

What is the equivalent of Python dictionaries but in Bash (should work across OS X and Linux)?

Super simple explanation and a variety of updating and traversing them. Different ways of achieving all of these ideas also listed in easy-to-digest format here: https://www.xmodulo.com/key-value-dictionary-bash.html

GitHub - nikvdp/neomux: Control Neovim from shells running inside Neovim.

Interact seamlessly between running neovim instance and an open (neovim) term buffer. Can send text back and forth, utilize yank ring and more.

Complete list of BibTeX entry types [with examples] - BibTeX.com

Complete list of BibTeX entry types including examples for: ✓article ✓book ✓inbook ✓conference

Good little explanations for each type as well. Additional information concerning biblatex here: https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/639734/canonical-list-of-bib-entry-types

GitHub - Bekaboo/dropbar.nvim: IDE-like breadcrumbs, out of the box

IDE-like breadcrumbs, out of the box.

Creates a top-bar on neovim which contains breadcrumbs from the base project working dir, through the directory structure into the current file, then the current context (e.g. class) and function and if required even into individual variables.