Daily Shaarli
March 15, 2021
Comprehensive information on connecting to wireguard VPN servers through NetworkManager
Edit and view the structure of PDFs, on the commandline or through JSON and thus gain all sorts of useful information to the makeup of a pdf.
Program advanced features like opening youtube links in mpv, or a program just like this if already called from a terminal, or with a terminal window if not currently in one.
Seems really useful for advanced opening coding (e.g. fzf in floating mode from shortcuts, or just in term, and so on)
This post describes the GnuPG pinentry process and provides a script which automatically chooses between a terminal or graphical interface based on the PINENTRY_USER_DATA environment variable.
A neat introduction to the way pinentry works. (Or seems to work, I have not done my due diligence here)
Python library to manipulate PDF page labels.
Meaning: you can change the labelling of page sections (preface getting roman numerals and different numbering scheme than main section, etc)
Should be really useful for later on programatically going to the correct pages and extracting the correct page citations from annotations etc
Executes alongside nextcloud to run arbitrary shell scripts as cronjobs
Ways of editing (internal) page numbering of PDFs
Pinata is an ipfs pin manager and helper, free to up to 1GB of data.
Can be used to e.g. pin a hosted website on the decentralized web for free, see here.
Removes a (n X11) window when another program is launched and thus 'replaces' it with the other window.
Then re-establishes the original window when the first one closes.
Could be kinda neat for things like launching mpv in-place, or switching between fileview and filecontents (e.g. pdf reading)