91 private links
GitHub - Kovah/LinkAce: LinkAce is a self-hosted archive to collect links of your favorite websites.
LinkAce is a self-hosted archive to collect links of your favorite websites.
Another bookmarking software. Similar in interface and features to linkding, a little more involved than shaarli.
Allows you to create 'lists', specifically themed sub-bookmarking pages that you can share on their own (or just keep to have a thematically bound bookmarking list for yourself), which is neat.
Can also share all links by default (i.e. have public bookmarking) like my good old shaarli.
Can theoretically share to a wide selection of apps (from mail, through facebook, reddit and the socials to trello, whatsapp and skype) but I am not sure I would ever use this.
Otherwise, the interface is a bit too involved for me: when on the main page, I just want to see a list of links while it shows me stats and 'most recent' stuff and the search is its own little page too.
Definitely a good program, just less for me I would guess.