2611 shaares
90 private links
90 private links
Dotfiles: For organization
- rememberYou/dotfiles - incredibly organized dotfiles, used it as a template to build mine off of. Follows XDG specification to the extreme
Dotfiles: For applications/scripts/usability:
- maledorak/LABS uses ansible to set up arch, contains scripts to unify package management for arch/debian/gentoo(?), contains interesting dmenu scripts
- halfwit/dotfiles lots of interesting dmenu applications, in dmenusearch (uses the bang concept somewhat)
- elenapan/dotfiles an actually insanely scripted and customized setup, and a couple older versions (uses awesomewm)
- wbthomason/dotfiles awesome nvim configuration (and organization), might be more good stuff (like polybar/i3)
- Dauliac/dotfiles - using chezmoi, templating, git scripts, zathura settings
- ruifm/dotfiles - scripts for a bar, latex settings, and odds and ends
- mschwartz/dotfiles -- interesting daily/monthly/yrl backup scripts, install scripts for programs
- maximbaz/dotfiles -- using custom pkgbuild repo for automated arch setup
- ReekyMarko/dotfiles -- clever way of managing secrets: reading from (go)pass output into env-var on startup; propagating that env-var to the programs that need it
- neeasade/dotfiles -- uses custom theming template which can be dynamically loaded? has a few custom scripts for it, not organized very well
- YodaEmbedding/dotfiles -- neat organization, has a layout somewhat akin to my current one
- klaxalk/linux-setup -- vim runs everywhere, tmux runs always, nicely documented in wiki
- kyazdani42/dotfiles -- simple, neat x11 dotfiles
- meribold/dotfiles -- very nicely documented decisions for basic things like git shortcuts, jump key, gpg settings, etc. , especially look into bash aliases and scripts, and how e-mail sending and carddav phone sync is set up
- bluz71/dotfiles -- contains ssh default security setup; extensive fd,rg,fzf cmdline/vim settings
- hexdsl/dots -- functionality and explanation, beautiful (and uses gitlab)
- uuouu/dotfiles -- a lot of scripts and functionality; but buried in somewhat non-sensical names
- Tsubajashi/mpv-settings -- mpv configuration only
- ksevelyar/dotfiles -- complete nixOS configuration
- naggie/dotfiles - perhaps the most workflow oriented dotfiles I have seen - good explanation of tools and general ideas
- BachoSeven/dotfiles - configuration for a lot of different applications
- salman-abedin/alfred - alfred is a suite of scripts, toggling dunst do-not-disturb mode, syncing packages, battery stuff, backlight, and so on
- aduros/dotfiles - mostly interesting for scripts; general open /preview script, phone backup script, etc
- vincentbernat/i3wm-configuration - an intensely modded i3 configuration, with much python scripting. Additionally, an interesting way to manage i3wm sessions with systemd, very organized
- jbh/dotfiles - Contains many dmenu scripts that seem useful (dmenu-vpn, dmenu-bluetooth, dmenu-tmux, dmenu-configs)
Dotfiles: For asthetics:
- maximbaz/df very gruvbox integrated de, almost everything is themed
- shub/dotfiles simpler, but elegant rusty-colored setup, contains some scipts
- nbockisch/i3-rice as the name implies mainly concerned with i3; simple, minimal rice but interesting ideas to get uniform look
- ictinaetus/dotfiles - good demonstration of gaps and blur, some use of polybar (for e.g. spotify)
- alfonx/dotfiles - there's no place like ~, nice rusty look and integration of colorscheme; also a lot of custom settings for programs
- thelazt16/dotfiles - retrofuture galore, especially interesting for bspwm, polybar, rofi-wifi, and smooth volume change notifications (using dunst)
- elenapan/dotfiles -- pretty, unified set-up; especially for vim. simple, minimal and yet function. Well organized;
- alpinebloat -- simple clean elegant; uses one colorscheme for everything; dwm based; urxvt-deamon client setup with image display in term
Vim configurations:
- Balacksuan19/init.nvim -- up-to-date, supposed to be minimal; lazy-loads plugins with vimplug, uses mainly ale and coc for linting and completion; makes use of floating windows; might steal a lot of neatness from this
- GideonWolfe/vim.reaper -- markdown/latex live-compilation; ultisnips for snippets, tabnine for completion
- Scott of Doist - not too many plugins, and good explanation of them (plus suitable for prose)
- amix/vimrc - extensive vim configuration
- rafi/vim-config really extensive nvim config
- beauwilliams/Dotfiles - well-documented neo -vim configuration! Using telescope.nvim and some other modern goodies, could be used as a starting point to refactor into lua configuration
Browser Startpages:
- simple icon startpage - clean with simple searchbar
- simple category PWA - only vanilla js, html, css; simple list of things
- vuejs, tailwindcss, gcal & weather api - bit more advanced example
- terminal.sexy - create terminal color schemes, or pick from default ones
- base16-shell - set base16 colors on terminal with a script