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When archlinux switches to a new python base version, the AUR packages installed with an AUR helper do not automatically re-install themselves for the new environment.
End result is that most AUR python-dependent packages now error out with missing module errors (since they are looking in the old python env).
To show packages which have any of their files located in the python lib directory (i.e. all python-dependent packages):
pacman -Qoq /usr/lib/python3.8/
Here's how to find and reinstall packages depending on a certain base package or path (take care of how to input either path or package!):
pacman -Qoq /usr/lib/python3.8/ | paru -S --rebuild -
pactree -r qt-base --depth 1 -l | paru -Ta | paru -S - --rebuild
yay -S --rebuildall --noconfirm $(yay -Qqo /usr/lib/python3.8/)