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Find the commit that introduced a bug in your code: how to use git bisect in 7 steps – flavia bastos
git bisect usage:
git bisect start
> puts you into bisect mode
git bisect bad <commitref|HEAD>
> signal to git the commit where things definitely don't work right anymore (mostly HEAD)
git bisect good <commitref|HEAD>
> signal to git the commit where things definitely did work right still (can be any number of commits back).
You will no be put into a special bisect
inspection mode and git will checkout various commits in a divide and conquer manner for you to declare their status.
git bisect good|bad
> After checking the state of the app/running tests/whatever, declare the commit as working or not-working. Git will then move you to the next commit until you find the right one introducing the bug.
git bisect reset
> get out of bisect mode