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A sort of 'meta'-approach to python project management.
You don't download any other tools before you start a project but you simply do a curl single liner:
curl -LO https://github.com/pyprojectx/pyprojectx/releases/latest/download/wrappers.zip && unzip wrappers.zip && rm -f wrappers.zip
to download and install the wrappers in the current dir.
You henceforth use the wrappers to do anything, e.g.:
./pw --add pdm,ruff,pre-commit,px-utils
./pw --install-context main
# invoke a tool via the wrapper script
./pw pdm --version
./pw ruff check src
# or activate the tool context
source .pyprojectx/main/activate
pdm --version
ruff check src
Seems a little cumbersome but also nice to test out a variety of project management setups for python applications.