2631 shaares
91 private links
91 private links
A cheat sheet with all the related curl commands available for WebDAV. Very neat!
curl -X GET https://webdav.filestash.app/README.org
-> Read a file
curl -T welcome.msg -u "username:password" --dump-header - https://webdav.filestash.app/welcome.msg
-> upload a file
curl -X DELETE 'https://example.com/webdav/test'
-> delete something
curl -X MKCOL --dump-header - "https://webdav.filestash.app/test'
-> create a folder
The username password function works on any command.
Be aware that:
- listing files is slightly more complicated since you get results back in XML form
- If using e.g. Nextcloud shares, the path is always
with the token that is actually in the link being used having to be put into both username and password