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Picture Wall - 32 pics
GitHub - lynnandtonic/a-single-div: 🎨 CSS drawings with only one HTML element.
GitHub - rosario/kasper: Ghost's default theme (Casper v1.0) on Jekyll
GitHub - Diolinux/PhotoGIMP: A Patch for GIMP 2.10+ for Photoshop Users
GitHub - khuedoan/one-line-firefox: Compact and minimal interface for Firefox
GitHub - everestpipkin/tools-list: Open source, experimental, and tiny tools roundup
A Low Poly Art Tutorial in Python
Bountiful Bits - Free Minimal 10x10 RPG Assets (CC0) : roguelikedev
GitHub - fogleman/primitive: Reproducing images with geometric primitives.
Coloring for Colorblindness
How to pick more beautiful colors for your data visualizations | Chartable
Blender 2.8 Grease Pencil Scripting and Generative Art
Font Designer's Nitpick: Fonts for Timers : gamedev
Steve Scott on Behance
Paper Prototyping: The 10-Minute Practical Guide
A coding project a day for 20 days –
Games Launched After January 1, 2019 Must Be Accessible for Disabilities Under CVAA Legislation : gamedev
Stylized explosion shader breakdown : gamedev
The Front-End Design Checklist – codeburst
The Principles of Clean Architecture by Uncle Bob Martin
Variable Fonts and the Future of Web Design - YouTube
Tools for game design from "Thinking in Systems: A Primer" : gamedesign
Collection of Pixel Art Tutorials for all skill levels : gamedev
An Amazing video about the psychology behind great games from a truly underrated channel. Show him some Reddit Love!
Simple, Easy, Ground Texture Tutorials with optional video walkthroughs : gamedev
Common mistakes in stealth level design - I don't know why I haven't heard of this guy before, I want videos like this on every game design topic
On City generation
Solvability — Sirlin.Net — Game Design
Ink Drawing Techniques: Brush, Nib, and Pen Style | Yuko Shimizu | Skillshare
Aaron Draplin - Skillshare
7 Practical Tips for Cheating at Design – Refactoring UI – Medium
The Grammar of Graphics - Leland Wilkinson - Google Books
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