Weekly Shaarli

All links of one week in a single page.

Week 33 (August 12, 2024)

GitHub - db0/pythorhead: A python library for interacting with Lemmy

A python library for interacting with Lemmy. Contribute to db0/pythorhead development by creating an account on GitHub.

GitHub - vpand/icpp: Running C++ in anywhere like a script.

Running C++ in anywhere like a script. Contribute to vpand/icpp development by creating an account on GitHub.

This seems intriguing, excessive, somewhere between not super useful and incredibly useful for specific use-cases and like witchcraft.

GitHub - miyuchina/mistletoe: A fast, extensible and spec-compliant Markdown parser in pure Python.

Generate a (commonmark compliant) markdown AST using this python library. Can also directly output as html, latex or return it to markdown.

Note: A list of Android launcher applications

mainly from Lemmy Android post:

confirmed FOSS:

non-FOSS afaik:

GitHub - vergoh/vnstat: vnStat - a network traffic monitor for Linux and BSD

A network traffic monitor for Linux and BSD. Outputs nice statistics, and can even output them to stdout/file as png image using vnstati for later display on a website or whatever. Neat!

Hottest.Name - When was your name most popular?

Find out how popular your name was over the years. (US-centric currently)

Very fun!

GitHub - lepture/mistune: A fast yet powerful Python Markdown parser with renderers and plugins.

Another md to AST (html, ...) converter. Purposes to be faster than mistletoe.

iNPUTmice/lttrs-android: No-frills, easy to use, easy to maintain Email client for Android based on the JSON Meta Application Protocol (JMAP). - Codeberg.org

lttrs-android - No-frills, easy to use, easy to maintain Email client for Android based on the JSON Meta Application Protocol (JMAP).

android email client, k9 alternative?

GitHub - bastibe/lunatic-python: A two-way bridge between Python and Lua

Pretty close integration between python and lua through bindings. Call python functions and methods, import other files, create classes and more from lua; or call lua functions, require files, receive table values and more from python.

Ultimately pretty insane (some might say lunatic) but might come in handy at one point or another.


  • wijnen/python-lua which allows using Python objects in lua and lua objects in python.
  • scoder/lupa is one-way embedding of lua into python, but supports additional features such as coroutines, threading, iterating lua objects and so on.
GitHub - CWood-sdf/banana.nvim: Write your plugin ui in html

A faux-html dialect to write neovim plugins in. Uses nml (html) and lua (js) and can be styled with css-like lang afaik. Very early development currently but honestly pretty exciting for quick Neovim UI development.