Weekly Shaarli

All links of one week in a single page.

Week 32 (August 8, 2022)


A bunch of (pretty advanced, I guess) scripts that wrap a podman /docker container and allow you to seamlessly use another Linux distribution as your terminal environment - or even for graphical apps should you choose to do so!

Seems pretty useful (wanna run AUR packages on a stable linux distro? Go ahead. Wanna segment your dev and leisure environments but sometimes need to refer to the same files? No problem.)

But above everything it seems legitimately cool. This is one of those projects I'm not sure I'll ever use to its fullest extent but just knowing it's out there, it exists and is awesome gets my imagination going to a wild degree. What an amazing concept!

GitHub - nextcloud/backup: Backup now. Restore later.

A backup solution for Nextcloud (although you still provide the storage ;) as an actual Nextcloud application.

I don't know why I didn't think of this so far.

Restic still definitely has an edge in encryption/deduplication and advanced feature set but this seems way easier to get going - and moves as one coherent package with your Nextcloud instance (i.e. it backs itself up).

You can set repetitions for full and partial backups (in days and times, and only on weekend if desired), and it will automatically put your instance in maintenance mode (so no DB corruption) do its pass, release maintenance mode and do all the compression/splitting/uploading then, so there's as little down-time as necessary.

Seems well thought out, if possibly a little early in development!