Weekly Shaarli

All links of one week in a single page.

Week 27 (July 5, 2021)

Home ⚡Zig Programming Language

Website blurbs:

  • No hidden control flow.
  • No hidden memory allocations.
  • No preprocessor, no macros.
  • Call any function at compile-time.
  • Manipulate types as values without runtime overhead.
  • Comptime emulates the target architecture.
  • The language gracefully guides your error handling logic.
  • Configurable runtime checks help you strike a balance between performance and safety guarantees.
  • Take advantage of vector types to express SIMD instructions portably.

A fresh approach to metaprogramming based on compile-time code execution and lazy evaluation.
Seems a metaprogramming-heavy language.

Scripts/Linux/sendtomatrix at master · Madic-/Scripts · GitHub

simple shell script to send a message to a matrix room. Can be used e.g. in cron jobs to replace notification, or additional notification, or to only notify on user being AFK, or simply to replace mail(1).
Many possibilities, seems very flexible in its use-case.

Intro - Things I Learnt The Hard Way (In 30 Years of Software Development)

Tidbits on software design, writing, testing, and so on.

While probably not to be taken as a bible, very neat to go back to every once in a while.

Tarsnap - Online backups for the truly paranoid

A unix-only de-duplicating backup system. It is managed for you, encrypted and so on but also strictly tied (afaik) to the tarsnap 'service' - that means you can't just use your own object storage or similar like with e.g. restic.

A lightweight notification daemon for fancy desktop integrations - ntfd

Integrates with DBus interface and can display notifications accordingly.
Not a replacement to dunst, but can be used to feed different things (like dunst or polybar) with information.

Also provides examples for grabbing the information from the DBus API and displaying it e.g. in polybar.

Today will be talking about my minimal viable Guix configuration and approach I use to handle it

Today will be talking about my minimal viable Guix configuration and approach I use to handle it. Will explain how to setup custom kernel, manage dotfiles and so on.

Live in 4.5 hours.


#guix #guixhome #rde #foss #floss #dotfiles #linux

mastodon statuslink

GitHub - sstadick/hck: A sharp cut(1) clone

Cut with regex patterns, automatic space mashing, column reordering, and some other nice features. Written, of course, in rust.

An explanation of LUA metatables

It's a table that sets up another table's behavior. Say you have a table fnark where it's paramount that "YO HEADS UP" is displayed every it gets a new entry. The way to do that would he to create a new table (let's call it behavior) and set its newindex method accordingly. And you also want fnark to say "YEAH MAN ALREADY THERE" when some existing entry is accessed: you set that up in behavior's index method. When you're done describing behavior, you tell Lua that behavior is what defines how fnark should behave: setmetatable(fnark, behavior). And now, whenever you add some new entry or reference an existing entry in fnark, you get the messages from above. That's metatables in a nutshell.

GitHub - GloDroid/glodroid_manifest: Android manifest for GloDroid (AOSP for the world's most accessible development platforms)

Android (AOSP) for different architectures, e.g. PinePhone!

GitHub - selfspy/selfspy: Log everything you do on the computer, for statistics, future reference and all-around fun!

A quantified self program for the PC - run as a commandline program and also contains an analysis cmdline tool to then query the (sqlite) database later (examples in readme).

Similar to activitywatch, rescuetime.

Break colon block chain via command · Issue #169 · baskerville/sxhkd · GitHub

You can break an activated chain mode in sxhkd by sending it SIGALRM.
Additionally, you can change the way of normally exiting a mode by the commandline argument -a.
Finally, you can set 'double-mode' keychains, e.g. alt + m : alt + m which will only listen for alt + m when already in the same mode and then invoke the respective command.

Taking all together, it becomes possible to create chained modes which can be exited by pressing the same combination of keys twice (or any other key combination) instead of the pre-set escape,
which often interferes with actual program operation for me.

This could provide the last building block for my mode-based desktop version built with sxhkd and polybar.

How to find a research paper

Finding a research paper

Daguhh / NaiveCalendar · GitLab

A calendar created in rofi, with task functionality

GitHub - rosenpin/i3-agenda: Show your next google calendar event in polybar or i3-bar

Scrapes google cal api to get next events (for statusbar display).
Can probably be adapted for CalDAV or other services with not too much effort.

Level up your shell history with Loki and fzf | Opensource.com

An interesting use of loki to grab shell history, store it centrally, and then re-use it from the commandline to replace its traditional history functionality. Also includes a little tidbit on then integrating your shell history with e.g. Grafana.