Weekly Shaarli
Week 09 (February 24, 2020)
In this post, we’ll set up a demo site and tutorial for headless WordPress, including a starter template! We’ll use the WordPress dashboard for rich content editing, while migrating the front-end architecture to the JAMstack.
Setting up WLED on ESP8266
Ok, that took way longer than I expected but I now have a chronological history of my desks. I didn't realise until tonight that desk making was a hobby of mine.
I came across this exact issue while trying to come up with a solid set of flags to use with ctrlp in vim. I ended up settling on rg --hidden --glob '!.git'
which does what I want and, since it lives in my .vimrc, I don't mind the verbosity. I do think it's surprising to find rg searching through the .git directory but I can also understand the mental model of rg not wanting to be "git aware" or any other VCS for that matter.
A command-line journal that is distributed and encrypted, making it easy to jot notes :notebook: - schollz
a journal automatically formatting some information for keeping activities with friends in check
Data science workflow with vim slimux and python
demonstration here -- 40min
run-down of vim completion options and omnifunc and plugins to get lsp (language server protocol) support
A Vim Window Animation Library. Contribute to camspiers
Really good introductory video for kubernetes concepts;
breaks down with simple analogies and really quick history: pods, services, ingress, deployments, resource allocation vs dynamic resource management; rolling update; and probably 1-2 things more
The 2019 edition is out! Utilising Snapraid, MergerFS, Docker, Ubuntu, ZFS and Proxmox the Perfect Media Server is back and ready to serve (your media).
For those that love art making and writing, art journals are a great way to express their inner selves. Check out art journal prompts and supplies here!
Store your Notes in any Git Repo. simple mobile app to take notes, and sync with any git repo (github/-lab/gitea/ssh/...)
A simple Python script to to search the web with rofi - pdonadeo
Uses fzf to provide a selection list for starting tmuxinator projects - camspiers
WLED library gets native Home Assistant API integration. This post walks you through everything you need to get up and running.
can create floating windows like this: https://old.reddit.com/r/neovim/comments/eu6kbe/floating_fzf_with_borders_and_file_previews/
fzf floating window in nvim
Short notes on many texts; of interest:
- journaling
- minimalism
- stoicism
- speaking/social skills
- self-improvement
- writing