Weekly Shaarli

All links of one week in a single page.

Week 52 (December 23, 2019)

leah blogs: A grab bag of Git tricks
Zettelkasten setup for Windows and Linux (ripgrep & universal ctags) : Zettelkasten

A Zettelkasten setup for that works on both Windows and Linux that uses ripgrep and universal ctags. It

Best Moscow Mule with Ginger Ale | Moscow Muled

When most people think about drinking a cocktail, chances are they’re thinking about spending good times with friends, unwinding after a difficult day at the office, or getting started on a long night of debaucherous fun. Essentially, they’re using this sugary alcoholic drink as a means to an end: they want to develop

Los pájaros de hogaño: Pandoc: Customized LaTeX templates for PDF generation

One of the most interesting, however rarely commented, features of Pandoc is its support for LaTeX templates. Pandoc templates allows us to ...

GitHub - aos/computer-networking-study: Learning computer networking through projects and readings

Learning computer networking through projects and readings - aos

Zettelkasten Method for Researchers & Academics - Sean Lawson

Note taking is central to the work of researchers. This post provides a list of resources about the tried and true zettelkasten method often associated with German sociologist Niklas Luhmann.

GitHub - outline/outline: The fastest wiki and knowledge base for growing teams. Beautiful, feature rich, markdown compatible and open source.

The fastest wiki and knowledge base for growing teams. Beautiful, feature rich, markdown compatible and open source. - outline

Embedding images in Markdown with VIM - Tautvidas Sipavičius

I’ve started using VIM a year or so ago and I’ve never looked back. It’s a very powerful and (in my opinion) efficient text editor, favoured by many programm...

Plain Text Accounting, a guide to Ledger and friends - plaintextaccounting.org
What information shouldn't go in my Zettelkasten? : Zettelkasten


GitHub - nschloe/betterbib: Update BibTeX files with info from online resources.

Update BibTeX files with info from online resources. - nschloe

Plain Text, Papers, Pandoc
Easy LaTeX with Markdown and Pandoc

Best of both worlds; power and beauty of LaTeX with the simplicity of Markdown.

agrep(1) approximate grep - Linux man page

Searches for approximate matches of PATTERN in each FILE or standard input. Example: