Monthly Shaarli
November, 2024
Description of a variety of more democratic / socialized and participative ways of organizing the economy and economic units. (DE)
Python (and C++ and R) project management. Built on the conda dev environment, and is primarily aimed at ML, data science, scientific python.
Comes highly recommended by others.
The future of python package managers?
Does everything that poetry, pip, pipx, pyenv and more are doing, and does so fast. From the creators of ruff, written in rust.
Uses steamcmd (a steam cli client, maintained by valve themselves) to download workshop items. Basically a simplifying wrapper for workshop item downloads.
Operates as a GUI program (hence the .pyw file) but perusing the code also gives a quick idea of how to implement it yourself as a more cli-oriented wrapper.
A fairly exciting Zotero notes plugin which makes you able to create long-form notes (with an outliner), connect individual notes through links (akin to connecting knowledge fragments in a Zettelkasten), and auto-export notes as e.g. markdown files (keeping in sync with Obsidian notes or other markdown systems).
Seems like a very nice step up from the default note management!
A long list of data engineering resources - very focused on 'networking', 'company-driven' efforts and social media opportunities but contains nice book, course and certification recommendations as well.