Monthly Shaarli
November, 2023
Paste any magnet link/ info hash or open the torrent file and start downloading or watching torrent content safely and anonymously through your web browser. Works instantly without client and registration!
Can stream videos, download files, and a little more - very neat!
Efficient Duplicate File Finder with extensive cli interface
Package python pygame apps as wasm blobs
Small python-gtk application, which helps the user to merge or split PDF documents and rotate, crop and rearrange their pages using an interactive and intuitive graphical interface
really nice io features, providing somewhat more of a 'standard library' for lua; modeled after node
Zotero plugin that links your Markdown database to Zotero. Jump directly from Zotero Items to connected Markdown files. Automatically tags Zotero Items so you can easily see which papers you've made notes for
File duplicate finder with a simple GUI. Has a cli frontend as well.
Cute little terminal TUI browser for gopher, gemini, finger (and your local files).
Runs on basically everything and uses some vim-like keys. Can also be made to work the the web but.. do you really want to?
networking - How to change network interfaces' priority.
A little older explanation but still working marvelously
Takes a CSV file from the Sleep as Android app and generates monthly JSON files with the data provided, excluding noise recording information. - GitHub - GwynHannay/sleep_parser: Takes a CSV file from the Sleep as Android app and generates monthly JSON files with the data provided, excluding noise recording information.
🐍🕸 WebAssembly runtime for Python
Target your python program to wasm blobs
:love_letter: A beautiful, fast and fully open source mail client for Mac, Windows and Linux.
Probably the best free mail client for people that either come from e.g. Outlook or just wanna have something to read mail and don't care what it is.