Monthly Shaarli

All links of one month in a single page.

March, 2023

Prevent Spurious Wakeup from Suspend

Changing the wakeup settings in Linux to prevent not being able to go to sleep/suspend or hibernate mode.

GitHub - ammen99/wf-recorder - Wayland screen recording

Wayland screen recording from the command line! Simple, efficient, works. For audio and video.

[OpenWrt Wiki] Dropbear key-based authentication

Very nice dropbear setup explanation, including key transferral and hardening.

Two remarks:

You can add your key to ~/.ssh/authorized_keys for individual users as usual with openssh - perhaps this is a thing only for newer dropbear versions? The given path would then be for root/system-wide access.

In order to disable password auth for systems that do not have uci, you can add -s as startup parameter, e.g. through editing /etc/default/dropbear field (though probably a better file than in 'default'). see here

Don't forget to restart after operations /etc/init.d/dropbear restart (though it will just invoke systemctl on systemd devices)

GitHub - ericchiang/pup: Parsing HTML at the command line

Parsing HTML at the command line. An html equivalent to jq, kind of

GitHub - olivernn/lunr.js: A bit like Solr, but much smaller and not as bright

A search engine for websites, embeddable and easily customized. Have seen it run without javascript in my browser, so perhaps it runs on client or server-side js?

Note: 0 to MicroG for GalaxyS4

Written for LineageOS 18.1 on Samsung Galaxy S4, with Magisk 0.25 installed.

You should now have microG as runnable application, go there and see if all self-check options are enabled.

GitHub - stan-dev/stan: Advanced Statistical modelling on the commandline, with python, R, julia and more

Stan seems like a really advanced platform for calculating statistical models wherever you wish - shell, python, etc.

General documentation here, commandline docs here, python here

Raspberry Pi Models and Specs: A Comprehensive Guide - Howchoo

Simple comparison of all RPi model specs so far.

GitHub - leon-ai/leon: 🧠 Leon is your open-source personal assistant.

An AI assistant - not entirely sure what the difference to e.g. MyCroft is - but seems a little newer, coming along well. Can be integrated with a variety of TTS and STT services, and skills created for it

Adding comments to your static blog with Mastodon

Embed Javascript to enable commenting from mastodon. Perhaps a similar idea, re-thought as a webhook and git interaction could cut out the javascript and just re-deploy the website for each comment?

introduction to indie blogging book
GitHub - Misterio77/flavours: 🎨💧 An easy to use base16 scheme manager that integrates with any workflow.

The base16 theme manager I always wanted. Takes a base16 theme, an application configuration file (like for alacritty, vim, qutebrowser, etc) and applies the theme to the file considering certain rules.

I tried to achieve it in my dotfiles as styler but it's a hacky bash script and this seems faster, more thought-through and exactly what is needed to flexibly theme any applications.

Basically, a faster more extensible pywal.

Program an Arduino with a Raspberry Pi via SSH - DLE-Dev

Tools for program an Arduino with a Raspberry Pi via SSH. Using PlatformIO Core on Raspberry to use an Arduino from the command line.

GitHub - tijn/awesome-password-store: A collection of awesome pass extensions and interfaces (for zx2c4's pass)

Since it is really hard to just search for pass ('The simple password manager', thanks for the unique naming scheme 😉) extensions on github and similar places, this list comes in really handy.

Best alternative is to search for the 'pass-extension' topic on github.

GitHub - sigoden/dufs: A file server that supports static serving, uploading, searching, accessing control, webdav...

Simple file server, also with webdav abaility. You can control if you want to enable editing, searching, uploading, access control and more. Still remains with a relatively simple cli interface to quickly bring up a server (e.g. dufs -A downloads to serve your downloads directory with full access/write permissions)

GitHub - Rosettea/Hilbish: 🌺 The flower shell. A comfy and nice little shell for Lua fans!

A lua-configured shell. Not sure how mature the program is yet (one issue I've seen is that its user commands can not read from stdinput as of now).

Seems mainly interesting if you need a lot of customization on you shell, or want to bling your whole desktop experience out with one configuration language and neovim, xplr, awesomewm (or river with a lua file), and so on.