Monthly Shaarli

All links of one month in a single page.

November, 2022

A(rch) to Z(ram): Install Arch Linux with (almost) full disk encryption and BTRFS

Another explanation of installing arch with BTRFS and encryption - this time with encrypted boot partition and grub bootloader.

Tmux-like Wezterm Multiplexing Sessions · Discussion #1322 · wez/wezterm · GitHub

An interesting attempt at setting up wezterm to mimic tmux with its sessions (that you attach to, detach from and can set up individual workspaces in). AFAIK written before wezterm got its workspaces features, so this might be written a little differently nowadays but may still provide good pointers.

GitHub - reHackable/awesome-reMarkable: A curated list of projects related to the reMarkable tablet

A long list of tools for the remarkable e-reader

User:Altercation/Bullet Proof Arch Install - ArchWiki

An exhaustive writeup of installing an encrypted BTRFS arch on SSD on the arch wiki.

GitHub - zbm-dev/zfsbootmenu: ZFS Bootloader for root-on-ZFS systems

ZFS Bootloader for root-on-ZFS systems with support for snapshots and native full disk encryption. Seems to provide some good explanation for setting it up - but still requires a bootloader such as refind, etc.

How to: Chroot into a broken system via live CD/ISO or alternate Linux system | TurnKey GNU/Linux

A simple explanation of setting up a working chroot, with mapped devices and processes and so on (the little things)

Install Arch with full disk encryption, btrfs and EFI
Encrypted Btrfs for Lazy Road Warriors' laptops – /techblog

Encrypted laptop with Btrfs and no LVM

Wireguard and SSH - Setting up vpn-only access to your server

Protecting your SSH port is a critical part of any good Linux security policy, this document explains how to make it accessible only over through wireguard.

See also:

GitHub - agherzan/yubikey-full-disk-encryption: Use YubiKey to unlock a LUKS partition

The complete guide to using and setting up a LUKS encrypted partition on Linux utilizing the YubiKey as authentication