Monthly Shaarli

All links of one month in a single page.

May, 2022

GitHub - caderek/gramma: command-line grammar checker

CLI grammer checker! Uses languatool on the backend - can be done over internet or you set up your own local server. This is everything I've ever wanted.

Well, actually better vim integration would be amazing, as an lsp or some other way of 'linting' errors instead of going through them one-by-one. But one day that will happen.

Nextcloud Crashes when trying to upload "big" files : NextCloud

A variety of ways to upload larger /bigger files to Nextcloud

GitHub - tqdm/tqdm: A Fast, Extensible Progress Bar for Python and CLI

Progress bars to implement either in python itself (as a library) or for shell operations (as a cli), seems fast and easy to implement.

GitHub - grocy/grocy: ERP beyond your fridge - grocy is a web-based self-hosted groceries & household management solution for your home

Make lists of what's in your fridge, when it expires, what you want to cook for the week, what's missing for that and put it on your shopping list of you need it.

GitHub - mb21/panwriter: Markdown editor with pandoc integration and paginated preview.

Markdown GUI editor built on pandoc underneath.
Live preview and so on.

Unfortunately built on electron, but might still be useful every now and again (or for other people).

GitHub - atanunq/viu: Terminal image viewer with native support for iTerm and Kitty

View images in terminal without needing to use X (like ueberzug does).
Works with either iTerm or kitty image formats, can fall back to cell-wise ASCII-like display in any terminal.
Seems really bloat-free and easy to use.

GitHub - davmac314/dinit: Service monitoring / "init" system

An alternative init system for linux systems to systemd. Seems 'similar-ish' to systemd in that you write declarative unit (=service) files and have a dinitctl command to control start/stop/status your services.

Comes with artix if intenting to try it.

Adding Steam to Aegis using the 'steam' Python library · beemdevelopment/Aegis Wiki · GitHub

A way to extract the authenticator code from your steam account and add it as a OTP to other authenticator apps (aside from the using the official steam application)

Advanced Python Web Scraping: Best Practices & Workarounds

Goes over advanced concepts of scraping (with Python):

  • asynchronous loading pages / client-side rendering (Selenium)
  • authentication
  • blacklisting
    • header inspection
    • request frequency
    • pattern detection
    • honeypots
  • captchas, redirects
GitHub - samschott/maestral: Open-source Dropbox client for macOS and Linux

Has a commandline interface and everything, seems very nice indeed.

datasframe– Modern Pandas (Part 1)

An 8-part series on understanding the python pandas pipeline and concepts.

Docker container for Actual Budgeting software

Actual Budget is a YNAB-like budgeting software that recently went open source.
This is a possible docker container to host it yourself.