Monthly Shaarli

All links of one month in a single page.

February, 2021

TaskWarrior: Tag Tasks as “maybe” and adjust the urgency accordingly – nullteilerfrei

Someday/maybe tasks for taskwarrior with tag urgency coefficients

GitHub - evantravers/smz

simple markdown zettelkasten --

add, search, tag things in your zettelkasten from the commandline

GitHub - Ewpratten/youtube_ad_blocklist: This is an open project to maintain a list of domain names that serve YouTube ads

Community-gathered blocklist for YouTube ad domains, suitable for pihole on e.g. raspberry pi

r - How to get a second bibliography? - Stack Overflow

Creating multiple bibliographies with pandoc -- using a lua filter and applying it to the material.

The filter, as it stands, may require use of multiple .bib libraries, but can probably be adapted to get its two bibliographic informations from the yaml header itself?

See also this github issue

pipx: fixing 'No module named pip' and similar errors

Often this happens because pipx intends to use an older version of pip or similar issues after upgrading the system version of python.

Most drastic, but also most efficient, solution in this comment.

GitHub - beancount/beancount: Beancount: Double-Entry Accounting from Text Files.

Alternative to hledger, written in python and supporting an easy python extension system (write your own plugins).

Generally intended to be simpler to use than ledger/hledger, at the expense of very advanced settings and input options.

Provides its own query language to find transactions, as well as an integrated web interface (and as a more advanced implementation of the web interface). Looks really good and functional, as well as way simpler than e.g. Firefly III interface.

The Xonsh Shell

Shell for linux, running on python, aiming to be largely 'bash-like' (if not completely compatible afaik).

Could be intersting for more in-depth terminal work (semi-programmable) but probably large time investment to switch from other cozy homes like zsh.


StackExchange alternative - open-source, smaller, and more free from drama.

Unfortunately (naturally) missing the large archives of knowledge on SE so far. -- comprehensive analysis of toxic endorsements - Lemmy

Privacytools (“PTIO”) is a project with the noble mission to "*provide
knowledge and tools to protect your privacy against global mass…

My Hakyll Blog - Hledger web

plaintext accounting, connecting to a web frontend to access it through the smartphone

Compare AsciiDoc and Markdown :: Asciidoctor Docs

A brief comparison of AsciiDoc and Markdown.

AsciiDoc does have some less visually translatable decisions, but also has a more concise and (above all) universal syntax.

A Vimlike Fluency: Daily Tips for Learning Vim

Amazing blog posts for getting more fluent in vim. The whole blog has multiple posts on vim which really sharpen your axe.


Similar to vim-navigator, allowing movement between tmux panes and vim buffers with the same shortcuts (predominantly c-hjkl).
But extends its functionality for e.g. i3 windows.

lucidhack / Knowl Bookshelf · GitLab

The Knowl Bookshelf aims to be a unified front-end for all of your ebook databases. Often, there may be significant structural differences between various ebook sources (i.e. Project Gutenberg Project, Internet Archive, Open Library, etc). Knowl Bookshelf mutates these differing sources into a common set of univeral Knowl fields. This consolidated/unified database is then presented to the end user as an elegant Single-Page Application (SPA).

Yet Another Firefox Hardening Guide | Chris Xiao

Various settings and extensions for Firefox, sorted from essential to suggested, to help escape tracking and telemetry.

Advanced git features you didn't know you need

Intermediate to advanced git tips:

advanced git log output, digging into individual git ref logs, using git for word-wise diffs (could be really useful for prose!), signing commits, git aliases, and more.

GitHub - simonmichael/hledger: easy-to-use command-line/curses/web plaintext accounting tool; a modern and largely compatible Haskell rewrite of Ledger

easy-to-use command-line/curses/web plaintext accounting tool; a modern and largely compatible Haskell rewrite of Ledger - simonmichael/hledger

hledger makes use of plaintextaccounting principles and can read files in *ledger format, as well as csv files.

Additional accounting ideas and configuration possibilities are discussed here:

Quickstart help can be found here:

Full manual is available here:, containing many ideas, workflows, and tutorials for accounting in general and hledger in specific.

bash - Prevent text/screen blinking when doing clear - Unix & Linux Stack Exchange

Only writing to terminal what actually changed (akin to an adaptible screen paint / refresh)

Tree Sitter in Neovim

Explanation of the functioning and purpose of nvim-treesitter

Soljanka nach DDR Art – Rezept

Soljanka Rezept

Showing newest file(s) using fd

files sorted by age, something akin to

fd --exec stat --printf='%Y\t%n\n' | sort -nr | head -1 | cut -f2

Janik Vonrotz - Bulk download papers from scihub for text mining

Simple sci-hub batch downloader, written in bash. Has to be adapted to use-cases a little (since hard-coded variables for page url and doi input file)

Other scihub downloaders:

  • Sci-Hub - did not work for me last time I tried it, presumably had a missing dependency, or written for outdated python version
  • - not tested yet, but seems ambitious in that it gets the newest url, checks for captchas, and is pretty flexible in input dois
GitHub - willmcgugan/rich: Rich is a Python library for rich text and beautiful formatting in the terminal.

The Rich API makes it easy to add color and style to terminal output. Rich can also render pretty tables, progress bars, markdown, syntax highlighted source code, tracebacks, and more — out of the box.

Lens | The Kubernetes IDE

Lens IDE for Kubernetes. The only system you’ll ever need to take control of your Kubernetes clusters. It's open source and free. Download it today!

GitHub - JensErat/task-relative-recur: Hook providing relative recurring tasks for Task Warrior.

Adding relative recurring tasks to taskwarrior: they can wait until some time after they have last been completed and they can be due some time after they have last been completed.

Example here:

# You shouldn't mow your lawn more than once a week, but want to keep it short, so shouldn't wait for more than two weeks:

task add 'Mow the Lawn' relativeRecurWait:1weeks relativeRecurDue:2weeks