Monthly Shaarli

All links of one month in a single page.

November, 2020

Authentication and Authorization with Open Policy Access through traefik as reverse proxy

Securing api endpoints with different access and authorization policies with the help of a reverse proxy (traefik) and a policy enforcement gateway (OAP).

Can be used for all sorts of authorizations and validifications of credentials and policy configuration language called Rego.

Mounting S3 storage as drive

Using S3 as a simple filesystem extension

Why use apt-get upgrade instead of apt-get dist-upgrade? - Ask Ubuntu

Below is an excerpt from man apt-get. Using upgrade keeps to the rule: under no circumstances are currently installed packages removed, or packages not already installed retrieved and installed. If that's important to you, use apt-get upgrade. If you want things to "just work", you probably want apt-get dist-upgrade to ensure dependencies are resolved.

GitHub - pldubouilh/gossa: 🎶 a fast and simple multimedia fileserver

🎶 a fast and simple multimedia fileserver.

Can host all sorts of files, but includes (markdown) text editor, image viewer, video/audio player, etc.

Can be used to have multi-account set-up, read-only directories and a couple more things

GitHub Issues As Comments - Kev Quirk

Basic idea of using GitHub issues as a commenting system for a blog.

This only includes a link to the respective issue on GitHub itself, where people can read and write comments.

It could conceivably be extended using the GitHub API to include the comments from github on the blog page itself, and either allow commenting straight from there or provide a link to the actual issue page on github to write the comments
(in effect emulating a readwrite permission on the post, or a readonly permission)

How to store passwords ::Blog ::TheOrangeOne

Storing passwords is a pretty simple problem in software development, right? Wrong! Storing passwords correctly is pretty complicated. With that said, it’s very simple to just lean on work someone else has done, and the libraries available for your language of choice.

Interesting writeup of password storing strategies and pitfalls.

GitHub - rmountjoy92/DashMachine: Another web application bookmark dashboard, with fun features.

Another web application bookmark dashboard, with fun features. - rmountjoy92

Landing-page for your homeserver.

How to set up Wireguard VPN on CentOS 8

Wireguard is an open-source cross-platform VPN implementation that uses state of the art cryptography. It is faster, simpler and more functional than ...

Janik Vonrotz - OpenID Connect with Nextcloud and Keycloak

Keycloak and Nextcloud are both popular open source software. The first is an identity provider and broker, the second one is collaboration platform. Instead of having multiple accounts on several online platforms, you want to have one identity and log into multiple platforms. This is the job of the OpenID Connect protocol and is supported by Keycloak. In this guide I walk you through the steps of connecting Nextcloud with Keycloak to support a seamless single sign-on experience.

Enables SSO without SAML

Tarsnap - The scrypt key derivation function and encryption utility

The scrypt key derivation function and encryption utility

mount - umount: device is busy. Why? - Unix & Linux Stack Exchange

How to find out why an unmount failed -- see programs using current file / directory with lsof

Linux Swap | Different Kinds and How to Use It - YouTube

This video is about Linux Swap and the different kinds of swap that exist. This shows you how to use swap partitions, swap files, and when not to use them altogether.

(touches kswapd0 cpu problem)

For a more in-depth abstract consideration of when and whether to use swap, see old tech bloke - to swap or not -The Ghost in the Machine

Artificial Intelligence gives us a uniquely fascinating and clear perspective at the nature of our minds and our relationship to reality. We will discuss perception, mental representation, agency, consciousness, selfhood, and how they can arise in a computational system, like our brain.

An interesting approach to a coherent epistemology of: identity, attention, consciousness, and the universe's state correlations

password - How to generate a random string? - Unix & Linux Stack Exchange

I would like to generate a random string (e.g. passwords, user names, etc.). It should be possible to specify the needed length (e.g. 13 chars).

head /dev/urandom | tr -dc A-Za-z0-9 | head -c13

where head dictates how many characters you get.
You can then e.g. pipe it into an echo command or into a clipboard program or similar.

GitHub - apognu/otter: Music player for Funkwhale

Music player for Funkwhale

How To Backup Nextcloud - Kev Quirk

Nextcloud is a fantastic system, but it's not your backup. This post will show you how to backup Nextcloud so you can ensure your data is safe.

Backing up locally.

Session | Send Messages, Not Metadata. | Private Messenger
GitHub - sedwards2009/extraterm: The swiss army chainsaw of terminal emulators

Extraterm is an open source project to build a terminal emulator and expand it with new features to support modern workflows and do more than just act like a glorified teletype.

Can for example re-run the output of previous commands as new commands with some parts of it manually edited - see animation on github page.

Docker Security Best Practices from the Dockerfile

Quickly improve the security of your docker containers by following security best practices in the Dockerfile, with static analysis code to catch them.

GitHub - causefx/Organizr: HTPC/Homelab Services Organizer - Written in PHP

A dashboard for homelabs. More focused on providing individual services in tabs than just having links to them.

Apparently works well with Authentik SSO authentication.

PIVPN: Simplest way to setup a VPN

setting up a wireguard / openvpn vpn on a raspberry. Could be run next to pihole, etc.

Connecting Your Raspberry Pi Web Server To The Internet: A Beginner's Guide to Port Forwarding and Dynamic DNS

Dealing with dynamically changing ips (dyndns, ddns) and opening your little server to the outside.

Kresus - A libre personal finance manager

Advanced finance self-hosted instace.

Can interact with bank statements through web scraping, though I don't know which banks it works for and which do not.

Can be used to create and monitor a budget, several accounts, create charts of in-/outflows, sort by categories, etc.
Looks very promising.


Sequoia is a modular OpenPGP implementation in Rust.

GitHub - zonetti/zonote: Cross-platform desktop note-taking app. Sticky notes with Markdown and Tabs. All in one .txt file.

Cross-platform desktop note-taking app. Sticky notes with Markdown and Tabs. All in one .txt file.

Interesting application of txt files to be shown in 'corkboard' view.
Unfortunately packaged as electron app, making ~100kb of actual code into ~200mb of program.

The idea could be used however, for a re-arrangeable corkboard / network view of my personal notes.

arbtt – The Automatic Rule-Base Time Tracker

Somewhat similar to activitywatch, etc.

Takes snapshots of currently open/active windows and their titles. (By default every 60s, can be more fine-grained.)
Snapshots can then be reviewed and tagged automatically through writing a categorization config file,
e.g. tagging all browser titles with ^.*//*$ as Research, or as Research:Papers, to get even more finegrained.

Allows idle-detection and tagging to remove.

Data can be exported out to .log files or to csv files.

Mostly adequate guide to functional programming

Mostly adequate guide to FP (in javascript).

In-depth guide to principles of functional programming

A complete fstab guide - Linux Stall

This is a complete fstab tutorial with options and filesystems explained


An open source mapping platform for custom designed maps. Our APIs and SDKs are the building blocks to integrate location into any mobile or web app.

GitHub - firefly-iii/firefly-iii: Firefly III: a personal finances manager

Firefly III: a personal finances manager.

Sublime Music

The most beautiful Subsonic client. Sublime Music is a feature-packed native GTK client for Subsonic-compatible servers.

Is Anything Worth Maximizing (April 2016) - YouTube

Simple maximizers versus reason-based maximizing.

Considers trust in relationships and how to translate that into metrics and ultimately perhaps approach building reason-based (and inherently trust-based) algorithms - Regex syntax for LPEG

Extended regex options for Lua.

Allows named patterns (grammars), bounded repetition, and more. Allows building complete Abstract Syntax Trees.

Weird (i.e. unusual, non-POSIX) syntax, but useful once grokked. Contains a few very useful examples to better understand the syntax.

GitHub - huijunchen9260/shbib: A BibTeX-centric bibliography manager written in POSIX shell

Interesting BibTeX manager, could replace Jabref for simple cmd line operations.

Some notable features (mentioned by author):

  • vim keys
  • search in Crossref (recommended), Google Scholar and search by pdf file's metadata (provided by pdfinfo),
  • create sub-libraries from commandline
  • automatically / manually manage and rename pdf files based on BibTeX entry that you searched in Step 1
  • notes
GitHub - linuxserver/Heimdall: An Application dashboard and launcher

An Application dashboard and launcher. Contribute to linuxserver

Can be used as a landing page for (home) servers.

linux - No network connectivity to/from Docker CE container on CentOS 8 - Server Fault

I just installed the latest release of docker-ce on CentOS, but I can't reach published ports from a neighboring server and can't reach the outside from the container itself.

CentOS firwalld blocks outgoing docker requests, leading to failing ingress/egress dns resolving.

In my case, disrupted Nextcloud working (since I have external primary object storage configured), as well as outgoing requests from SearX.

financier / financier · GitLab

💰 Straight-forward budgeting.

A YNAB clone that can be self-hosted. Development has largely ceased, maintenance is on-going.

Hosted plan costs $12/year (for syncing), self-hosting does not have syncing built in (afaict?).
Fork exists at palidanx/financier, adding search and some other niceties.
Small community on reddit.

Front-end built on Angular 1, which reaches eol pretty soon.

(older shaarli entry)

Let’s take back control of our events ! #JoinMobilizon - Let’s take back control of our events

A user-friendly, emancipatory and ethical tool for gathering, organising, and mobilising.

linux - kswapd often uses 100% CPU when swap is in use - Server Fault

Most of the time when my computer starts to need swap, I see a massive spike in CPU usage (kswapd0 is consistently using 99%-100% CPU). According to top, the time is spent in sy (system

designing for the web

Practical design tips concerning web layouts, color theory, typography, and accessibiloty