Monthly Shaarli
November, 2019
Hello, with the help and many tests from Sandbird, I present you a GUI for installing the vnc server on osmc (for raspberry pi only) Login to your OSMC (putty or else) Grep the install file: wget https:
Simple, fast, safe, compiled programming language
Don't just present; interact with your audience!
📖 A collection of pure POSIX sh alternatives to external processes. - dylanaraps
A way to track changes inline in your markdown (or general plaintext) document.
You can {++add things++}, or remove {--any --}things {--you wish--}, or make {amends ~>changes}, or even add {== highlights and comments==}{>>What a nice sentence<<}.
✍ It has never been so easy to document your things! - doczjs
font-config fontconfig
biblatex is a sophisticated bibliography system for LaTeX users. It has considerably more features than traditional bibtex and supports UTF-8 - plk
Simple, GDPR compliant website analytics, no cookie notice required. No tracking or storing personal data of your users.
Niklas Luhmanns Zettelkasten Archiv, trasncribed and readable
Creating subkeys, revoking subkeys, connecting gpg masterkeys and subkeys and so on
Check out spotifyd, it actually streams music from spotify
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[–]MrMetalfreak94 10 points 1 month ago
And ncspot, which is a standalone spotify terminal client
More web-focused introduction to rust principles, while building something
COmmon usage examples for things you might be confronted with in using rust. Easy to grasp and quick to learn.
:tulip: Vim plugin that shows keybindings in popup - liuchengxu
:rocket: General purpose context-aware zsh completion engine powered by fuzzy finder. - relastle
Here is a small guide for Pi 2, 3 and Vero4k, remember Netflix addon is still under development: First make sure your system is up to date: sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get dist-upgrade I always reboot after a dist upgrade, since there can be upgrades that night need it, like kernel updates. After reboot start a new ssh session and run these commands: wget https:
Breaking your long vimrc into a personal runtime directory.
In this post we explore Rust's concept of ownership that enables the language to achieve 100 % memory safety without garbage collection.
High-level introduction and overview of rust language
Simple, beautiful blog layout
:ghost: Neovim yank ring plugin with completion for registers, ring, pinning, and replacing with register. - cyansprite