Daily Shaarli

All links of one day in a single page.

January 5, 2025

GitHub - svenstaro/miniserve: 🌟 For when you really just want to serve some files over HTTP right now!

🌟 For when you really just want to serve some files over HTTP right now! - svenstaro/miniserve

GitHub - rustic-rs/rustic: rustic - fast, encrypted, and deduplicated backups powered by Rust

restic-compatible backup implementation which is (apparently - have not used it yet) a little more memory efficient during various operations (backing up and pruning iirc?). That could be a big help for bigger backup jobs.

It also includes some other niceties over plain restic (atm) like no lockfile being present, and able to transfer the backup to a wider variety of storages.

Overall seems a little less stable (or 'boring') than plain restic, but a little more willing to add features - while staying compatible with the rust repository protocol which is awesome.

Kaskadierung von Mehrfachsteckern und Maximale Belastung einer Steckdose [GER]

Many reasons of why not to put your extension cords in a long chain with many plugs and a big load.

hardware - Reverse engineering T-Disk barcodes for Tassimo coffee makers - Reverse Engineering Stack Exchange

A lot of information for Tassimo T-Disk barcodes. Gives indication for further hacking attempts. Some additional links (also found on the page itself):

  • OneOfSix made some of the original decoding attemps and explains some of his journey.
  • wiki.mbirth.de contains a lot of good knowledge, updated through 2016 and with further reading and might be the closest to actual decoding of the codes.
  • spreadsheet of barcode experiments super interesting experiments with barcodes, someone went through and changed one bit at a time and observed the results

All of this information together with further tests could actually make Tassimo capsule machines somewhat useful again, perhaps even for non-capsule uses. (I am imagining 'refillable' capsules in which you just pour your ground coffee, add the correct lid and use it like a normal coffee machine; or even just using it as a tiny water kettle)