Daily Shaarli

All links of one day in a single page.

June 5, 2024

ijq: Interactive jq

Simple interactive interface for jq!

Very similar to 'jid' (json incremental driller) or its fork 'jiq' (no idea).\
Except that 'jiq' seems to be archived and not receiving updates,
and 'jid' is similar but does not show input/output side by side.

And it seems fast! And shows you a neat little error window as well.

GitHub - shuttle-hq/shuttle: Build & ship backends without writing any infrastructure files.

A simple code-as-infrastructure approach for rust development.

Add a line requesting e.g. a database to your rust project and it automatically does so in the background, supported by the extensive rust type system.

Basically, a little like Vercel for the backend (and with seemingly a nice free tier as well for now?). Does not seem matching for very advanced needs but good for more simple setups.