Daily Shaarli

All links of one day in a single page.

February 18, 2024

good FreeCAD tutorial for beginners

Many good suggestions for freecad tutorials, including Joko Engineering and Ha Gei, thehardwareguy, dr vax, ..

GitHub - frida/frida: Dynamic instrumentation toolkit

Inject javascript into any running process (or python, or golang, or any of a bunch of other langauge bindings).

Can be used to hook into processes, run functions, send and receive messages, and a bunch more.
Essentially process injection on steroids - super cool.

It seems to even be able to inject itself to processes on other devices running connected to the machine? Not entirely sure how to implement but take a look at frida-ps ios example.

GitHub - YS-L/csvlens: Command line csv viewer

Command line csv viewer. (Less but for csv files)