Daily Shaarli

All links of one day in a single page.

March 12, 2023

GitHub - ammen99/wf-recorder - Wayland screen recording

Wayland screen recording from the command line! Simple, efficient, works. For audio and video.

GitHub - tijn/awesome-password-store: A collection of awesome pass extensions and interfaces (for zx2c4's pass)

Since it is really hard to just search for pass ('The simple password manager', thanks for the unique naming scheme 😉) extensions on github and similar places, this list comes in really handy.

Best alternative is to search for the 'pass-extension' topic on github.

[OpenWrt Wiki] Dropbear key-based authentication

Very nice dropbear setup explanation, including key transferral and hardening.

Two remarks:

You can add your key to ~/.ssh/authorized_keys for individual users as usual with openssh - perhaps this is a thing only for newer dropbear versions? The given path would then be for root/system-wide access.

In order to disable password auth for systems that do not have uci, you can add -s as startup parameter, e.g. through editing /etc/default/dropbear field (though probably a better file than in 'default'). see here

Don't forget to restart after operations /etc/init.d/dropbear restart (though it will just invoke systemctl on systemd devices)