Daily Shaarli

All links of one day in a single page.

April 16, 2021

GitHub - karlicoss/HPI: Human Programming Interface 🧑👽🤖

A whole library of interfaces to extract quantified self data through (more or less) simple python scripts.

powers ad is explained by many of the thoughts in beepboop

GitHub - Alamantus/little-library: A digital give-a-book, take-a-book library for ebooks

Very cute little idea: basically an ebook-serving web page, but with some features that make it more like a little lend-a-book library:

  • you can have single-borrowing, meaning when somebody downloads an ebook it is gone from the server until they reupload it.
  • it shows you who else is currently 'browsing' the little library
  • you can leave a little note for books you put into the library to tell others why they're cool
  • it's designed for drm free ebooks of different varieties (mobi, djvu, epub, etc)
  • it looks like a small wooden bookshelf