Daily Shaarli

All links of one day in a single page.

April 5, 2021

biblatex crate - Rust

A complete and concise bib(la)tex parser for rust, allows you to access things as Bibliography collections and comes with a few formatting niceties

GitHub - yt-dlp/yt-dlp: A youtube-dl fork with additional features and fixes

A youtube-dl fork with an astounding number of new features. Most interesting to me are sponsorblock integration, thumbnail embedding, multithreading, and comment downloading

GitHub - rndusr/stig: TUI and CLI for the BitTorrent client Transmission

nice commandline client for transmission

Note: Python testing learning resources
Localtunnel ~ Expose yourself to the world

Create reverse proxy pointing to your pc. Somewhat of a servei / ngrok replacement, still functioning and free as far as I can see.

Guides to learning zsh?

What are the best guides for learning zsh for someone that prefers seeing concreete examples that work? I have a hard time reading/understanding the man pages. I am trying to write very simple scripts but I don't understand how to do basic things like creating and using variables:


d= date -v +1d '+%m_%d_%ydayPlan.rtf' #tomorrow's date with underscores + 'dayPlan.rtf'

touch /Users/mangoQuesadilla/Documents/dayplans/${d} #supposed to create a file, but it doesn't work.

reddit permalink

GitHub - joeyespo/grip: Preview GitHub README.md files locally before committing them.

Uses GitHub markdown API (actually queries it for rendering) and displays your readme files.

Can be used just to display github readmes and preview your own project ones, but also to transform markdown files to html-formatted ones (without e.g. pandoc), to create local copies of github wikis (example at link), etc.