Daily Shaarli

All links of one day in a single page.

March 11, 2021

Mutant Standard

"A new kind of emoji set. Mutant Standard breaks the traditional conventions of emoji to give you more inclusivity, choice and freedom."

Really nice and clear emoji set.

GitHub - franciscop/picnic: A beautiful CSS library to kickstart your projects

Small (10kb gzip) css framework.

Describing itself as invasive, i.e. hard to drop into an existing project - but very easy to integrate into new ones.
Looks fun and light-weight.

GitHub - ngirard/lolcate-rs: Lolcate -- A comically fast way of indexing and querying your filesystem. Replaces locate / mlocate / updatedb. Written in Rust.

locate replacement, intended to be used in scripts etc

Could be a really nice all-round commandline solution for any time you need to build a database of stuff.

Got a lot of pdf files to read? Got music files? Videos? dotfiles? index anything and locate it later.

GyShiDo — The Art of Getting Your Shit Done (A Productivity Manifesto)

Funny little website which, while taking itself not too seriously, contains some good advice.

7 principles of getting stuff done - following something similar to the pareto principle, deep-work ideas, and so on.

Mark E-mails in Mutt as Tasks in Taskwarrior

Using pipe2 functionality, could presumably be adapted for newsboat, aerc, etc.