Daily Shaarli

All links of one day in a single page.

February 25, 2021

TaskWarrior: Tag Tasks as “maybe” and adjust the urgency accordingly – nullteilerfrei

Someday/maybe tasks for taskwarrior with tag urgency coefficients

GitHub - evantravers/smz

simple markdown zettelkasten --

add, search, tag things in your zettelkasten from the commandline

My Hakyll Blog - Hledger web

plaintext accounting, connecting to a web frontend to access it through the smartphone

Compare AsciiDoc and Markdown :: Asciidoctor Docs

A brief comparison of AsciiDoc and Markdown.

AsciiDoc does have some less visually translatable decisions, but also has a more concise and (above all) universal syntax.

bash - Prevent text/screen blinking when doing clear - Unix & Linux Stack Exchange

Only writing to terminal what actually changed (akin to an adaptible screen paint / refresh)