88 private links
View HTTP/HTTPS requests made by any Linux program.
View it as an 'in-between' of your app and you. Just call it, and append any software and it shows you all outgoing/incoming calls. HTTP(S) only though!
(Their example is httptap -- python -c "import requests; requests.get('https://monasticacademy.org')"
JetBird - An unofficial, FLOSS, native Android NetBird client built with privacy in mind
A ESP32 + WS2812 project with a simple webserver to reponse to blink on GET requests, in a case whichs looks like a cloud.
Nice little diy project!
PEASS - Privilege Escalation Awesome Scripts SUITE (with colors) - peass-ng/PEASS-ng
A network traffic monitor for Linux and BSD. Outputs nice statistics, and can even output them to stdout/file as png image using vnstati
for later display on a website or whatever. Neat!
A scalable overlay networking tool with a focus on performance, simplicity and security.
Seems somewhat similar to a self-hosted headscale/tailscale/netbird instance?
An experiment in scalable routing as an encrypted IPv6 overlay network - yggdrasil-network/yggdrasil-go
One possible solution to remove persistent keys from ssh-agent (or gpg-agent). Worked for me!
Forked from barrier (itself forked from synergy) for multi-pc control by letting you seamlessly move mouse/keyboard between systems.
A VNC server for wlroots based Wayland compositors.
Allows running a vnc server under wayland, simple. Only works for wlroots (see for e.g. KDE here ) but also works when running headless which is neat!
Cute little terminal TUI browser for gopher, gemini, finger (and your local files).
Runs on basically everything and uses some vim-like keys. Can also be made to work the the web but.. do you really want to?
networking - How to change network interfaces' priority.
A little older explanation but still working marvelously
Simple explanation of the rfkill command - did not know it had a toggle function before!
Pretty low-latency (~200ms on my WiFi), decent quality, simple setup (once everything is compiled if not on Arch), really nice toolset!
Runs through pipewire, pulseaudio, alsa, take your pick.
Going back to using the files on a network like an actual filesystem - even if they're served through HTTP. Very interesting fuse filesystem.
A TUI companion to tshark which brings back some kind of wireshark-like interface for it. Seems a bit trying to catch your own tail, but could be useful over headless clients etc!
In-depth tutorial on using the wireshark cli the whole network analysis workflow: capturing packets, analyzing packets, and interpreting packets.
Basic setup and usage of tshark, the commandline companion of wireshark. Goes through the basics.
A cheat sheet with all the related curl commands available for WebDAV. Very neat!
curl -X GET https://webdav.filestash.app/README.org
-> Read a file
curl -T welcome.msg -u "username:password" --dump-header - https://webdav.filestash.app/welcome.msg
-> upload a file
curl -X DELETE 'https://example.com/webdav/test'
-> delete something
curl -X MKCOL --dump-header - "https://webdav.filestash.app/test'
-> create a folder
The username password function works on any command.
Be aware that:
- listing files is slightly more complicated since you get results back in XML form
- If using e.g. Nextcloud shares, the path is always
with the token that is actually in the link being used having to be put into both username and password