83 private links
On Arch Linux, I would like to have eth0 (connected to bridged router) share the connection received from wlan0, I've read tutorials but I'm not command savvy as other users are and don't completely
Linux bridging workarounds for wifi interfaces. The masquerade workaround functions pretty wonderfully.
In-depth explanation of (home) network basics. Super guide for creating port-mappings, vlans, subnets and so on!
Avoid wasted hours spent on debugging container networking issues by trying these 4 troubleshooting steps.
Very nice breakdown of getting at any docker-internal dns errors or network setup oopsies.
No need for crossover cables anymore, (yay) and a couple of simple NetworkManager commands are all that is needed.
Sish is a great ngrok alternative to expose any locally hosted app over the web. With Sish you create temporary secure tunnels to locally hosted applications and allow others to intereact with the app with a publicly accessible web address. Its great to quickly expose a development app server without needing to deploy it and setup reverse proxies or mess around with firewalls. Sish can also be used to expose any TCP connection - e.g MySQL DB.
linux - Integration of afuse user-level automounter with sshfs as a systemd service spawned from login for local users - Unix & Linux Stack Exchange
Ends up creating a folder on the home directory which automatically creates virtual directories, e.g. if you ls to folder/user@server.com
it will ssh to the respective server and mount it. Only works with key-based authorization (afaik) and you need to have the server mounted or connected at least once before to add it to known hosts (or disabled known hosts, but I don't recommend that).
I am having some troubles with it (stuck shell on opening a new terminal) which I believe is due to the service type being forking but sshfs/ssh not quite forking into the background.
A simple systemd mount unit (with systemd-automount) also works well.
Using network usage monitoring tools in linux: IPTraf, iftop, nethog
Whereas the first two show usage per port/ip, nethog does so per running user process.
In this article, we will explain a few tools that will allow you to check network usage per process in your Linux system. These tools include IPTraf, Iftop and Nethog. With the help of these tools, you can identify which process or port number is draining much of the network bandwidth.
Comprehensive information on connecting to wireguard VPN servers through NetworkManager
How to install and use the Wireguard VPN in containers, with docker and its networking stack.
I just installed the latest release of docker-ce on CentOS, but I can't reach published ports from a neighboring server and can't reach the outside from the container itself.
CentOS firwalld blocks outgoing docker requests, leading to failing ingress/egress dns resolving.
In my case, disrupted Nextcloud working (since I have external primary object storage configured), as well as outgoing requests from SearX.
Wireguard is an open-source cross-platform VPN implementation that uses state of the art cryptography. It is faster, simpler and more functional than ...
This article explains how to view available WiFi networks, list their channels, link quality, security, signal strength, and more on Linux using the command line.
Documentation in this section includes basic guides to configuring your Raspberry Pi.
Raspbian headless wifi setup
Think you know what’s connected to your home network? You might be surprised. Learn how to check using nmap on Linux, which will let you explore all the devices connected to your network.
Graphical Network Simulator -- can create virtual network environments.
You can have vms running in the virtual network, and it simulates everything about their being connected.
Seems useful to test different topologies and possibilities without needing the hardware up-front, or destroying the currently running system to test something new.
When I had this problem, it was a DNS problem. Traefik was trying to connect to the wrong IP address - an IP address that was on a network with no access from traefik.
Setting providers.docker.network solved my problem - but careful, you need to use the full network name as visible with docker network ls (in my case it was pi_traefik-web - for you it should be traefik_proxy).
In theory, you could also set the label traefik.docker.network=traefik_proxy to your nextcloud-app service.
This problem can be diagnosed through the traefik dashboard: look for the network ip a specific service is assigned -- does it show the 'public' network compatible ip?
Learning computer networking through projects and readings - aos
tar copy / move over ssh
Instead, I used the following config (ref):
# IPv4 nameservers:
# IPv6 nameservers:
nameserver 2606:4700:4700::1111
nameserver 2606:4700:4700::1001
Restart NetworkManager and dnsmasq (or reboot/re-start shell)