85 private links
Science based practices for a meaningful life
A personality test which seems (at least somewhat) grounded in backing science.
And open source, which is nice!
Resume style One Pager for web dev Pascal van Gemert featuring a big animated GIF background as the intro. If I remember correctly he had a highway last week and a hotdog stand the week before. Nice touch to spice up a CV.
A really nicely designed html-based CV which it may be worth to crib some ideas from.
Android client for Nextcloud Cospend and IHateMoney shared budget management systems.
I.e. money/cash-splitting app similar to Splitwise, Cospender, Tricount, ... but FOSS, free and comfy!
Farming with a hydroponic system, especially focussing on deep water culture. A yt video and additional tips in the comments.
Suggesting sources for mattress purchase decisions. Especially https://www.sleeplikethedead.com/ seems like a good resource.
"Text-based contact management software."
Plaintext addressbook - akin to khard or abook. Gives you a TUI which is nice, and can be integrated well with mutt. Uses vCard (3.0) so it can be made to work with the wonderful vdirsyncer as well.
Fastenzeit bei Durchfall? Das muss nicht sein. Wer weiß, worauf es in puncto Essen bei Durchfall ankommt, kann für neue Energie sorgen.
Empfohlene Nahrung:
- Haferflocken (am besten nicht Vollkorn) -- Haferschleim beruhigt Magen
- Äpfel, v.a. Schalen viel Pektin (Apfel reiben und 15 Minuten stehen lassen, bestens)
- Bananen, am besten zerdrückt
- Gemüsebrühe - Mineralien und Flüssigkeit, beides was bei Entleerungen verloren geht
- Möhren, gekocht - magenfreundlich, aber schwierig zu verdauen roh
- Zwieback - fettarm, leicht verdaulich
d.h. zB
- Apfel, Möhren Salat
- Möhren-Gemüsebrühe Suppe (e.g. mit Zwieback)
- Bananendesert, od. Haferflocken mit Bananen
Some simple pointers and inspiration to be taken from here,
but generally probably still better to be accomplished in LaTeX than this application
"There are plenty of reasons why people who DO have the knowledge would not admit to it. By asking, you're asking for more than what you think you're asking.
You're asking people to take responsibility. You're questioning people's confidence in their abilities. You're also unnecessarily walling other people out. I often answer questions related to languages or libraries I have never used, because the answers are (in a programmer kind of way) common sense."
Can I just say as a neuroscientist this is not your fault. Basically we think we have control over what we do but this is an illusion. For example you want to work on your project but you never do. So then you feel shame/guilt etc which only makes you more unproductive.
The solution to this is that the mind behaves more like a computer than we think. If you know how to properly interact with it you can make it do whatever you want. Now there is a long list of behavioural psychology focused on productivity but I will start you of with one thing.
Right now create a list it can be on your computer a website like trello.com or on paper it doesn't matter. On it write 6 Things that you can accomplish very quickly in relation to your project.
for example the list could be this.
make a project directory for my project.
download the dataset needed
install required tools for project
write first variable
write first function
Make the first graph
Set the commitment to do just one of these things per day, you don't have to do anymore.
Try adding new goals to your list as you complete old ones.
the goals should be easy to achieve 1 minute - 30 minutes for each.
Pretty soon you will be doing more than just one task.
This method efficiently uses your brains reward system. Doing small clearly defined tasks with low commitment is easy and generally fun to do.
Doing a large complicated project with no clear approach is not fun to do.
There are tonnes of efficiency hacks and every person is different. Good luck.
(In)famous manual for asking technical questions - what to provide, what to leave out, and how to phrase it.
Can, with some implementation changes, conceivably be adapted to many more situations.
'insurrectionary' medicine guideline. I.e., protest guide.
Simple maximizers versus reason-based maximizing.
Considers trust in relationships and how to translate that into metrics and ultimately perhaps approach building reason-based (and inherently trust-based) algorithms
A user-friendly, emancipatory and ethical tool for gathering, organising, and mobilising.
Ich gehe mal davon aus, dass im Grundsatz die wenigsten widersprechen würden, wenn man sagt man müsse mehr fürs Klima tun
Understanding the process of practice, the idea of iterative improvement, and what it takes to become an expert at python, programming, or anything really.
an interactive guide to the game theory of why & how we trust each other