88 private links
Simple wayland color picker. Comes with only a few dependencies which people with cli-leaning apps tend to have already (grim, slurp, zenity etc).
Resume style One Pager for web dev Pascal van Gemert featuring a big animated GIF background as the intro. If I remember correctly he had a highway last week and a hotdog stand the week before. Nice touch to spice up a CV.
A really nicely designed html-based CV which it may be worth to crib some ideas from.
Old Book Illustrations offers a wide range of public domain, royalty-free restored images scanned from old books.
You can search by author, tag, decade, subject, ...
It's a wonderful resource!
Spiritual successor to the base16 flavours theme manager. Works almost the same way but can not build themes on its own.
Uses the 'tinted-theming' ecosystem instead of the chriskempson base16 one - it seems to be built a little more logically and less haphazardly but in the end provides basically the same functionality.
Many good suggestions for freecad tutorials, including Joko Engineering and Ha Gei, thehardwareguy, dr vax, ..
Alternative to mermaid, plantuml, graphviz. Can be used in quarto.
Is a single golang cli binary at the core which I much (much) prefer to the javascript-dependent client-side nature of mermaid.
Otherwise, the DSL looks competent and fairly descriptive.
Supports displaying markdown, code, images, icons, or latex formulas in the diagrams.
Could be a good choice for quick diagrams!
A surprisingly in-depth explanation fo landing page fundamentals, with tips on extent and makeup.
Can come in very useful as a reference material.
Simple video thumbnailing program - pretty fast and efficient, has lots of cmdline options but works 'good enough' by just invoking it.
Uses ffmpeg under the hood.
Electron but slimmer basically. Can theoretically be super multi-platform (including mobile soon-ish?).
Allows you to write JS/Typescript for frontend stuff for the desktop just like electron
From figma to tkinter - a 'translating' app cutting everything up and preparing it for you to start displaying in a python GUI
The base16 theme manager I always wanted. Takes a base16 theme, an application configuration file (like for alacritty, vim, qutebrowser, etc) and applies the theme to the file considering certain rules.
I tried to achieve it in my dotfiles as styler but it's a hacky bash script and this seems faster, more thought-through and exactly what is needed to flexibly theme any applications.
Basically, a faster more extensible pywal.
The forked (in 2016) version of Asesprite, kept with a copyleft license and updated continually.
Does not reach feature parity with the mother program as far as I know, but should be way enough for some simple/intermediate pixel art.
Theme your wallpapers and other images to a couple of well-known color scheme palettes!
An application and/or evolution of the base16 idea, containing links for colors and tools for application of the colors to a variety of desktop applications.
Icon-font for all kinds of academic needs (pre-published, peer-reviewed, arxiv, etc). Mimics fontawesome setup but contains much fewer icons. Neat!
A collection of wallpaper backgrounds that I find very aesthetic. Not my collection, but the overwhelming majority is something I could imagine peering at day by day.
Penpot - The Open-Source design & prototyping platform - GitHub - penpot/penpot: Penpot - The Open-Source design & prototyping platform
A generous offering of typography tips and an explanation for their reasons primarily for the web, but also for print media.
Jekyll theme mimicking the ghost blogging platform theme.
Mimcs photoshop a little more - especially in layout and shortcuts - by changing GIMP settings around.
Also installs a ton of fonts by default.