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This textbook covers the contents of an introductory statistics class, as typically taught to undergraduate psychology, health or social science students.
Fun little introductory book for descriptive statistics, visualizations, then some theory, regressions and at the very end a tiny bit of bayesian stats.
Uses 'jamovi', a statistical software, but can be acommodated with all manner of toole like SPSS, PSPP, R, Pandas, Polars, etc etc
An exhaustive book, free and available online, on publishing workflow.
Getting, preparing, cleaning data. Exploratory analysis and modelling with regression. Creating reproducible documents with quarto. Seems really nice and good to delve into for data analysis.
Organize Your Audiobook Collection With Beets. Contribute to Neurrone/beets-audible development by creating an account on GitHub.
Self-hosted audiobook and podcast server. Contribute to advplyr/audiobookshelf development by creating an account on GitHub.
Third edition of the famous data analysis learning book for pandas (and numpy) by the pandas author.
Bücher marktplatz -- nicht von amazon (wie e.g. abebooks)
- Spaced repetition: People retain information better when they practice retrieval over spaced intervals. These intervals can be increasingly spread out over time. (http://www.few.vu.nl/~vbr240/publications/Scriptie.pdf)
- Interleaving: Interleaving and varied practice help us better assess context and discriminate between problems, selecting and applying the correct solution from a range of possibilities. Note: The order of interleaved topics needs to be shuffled) (Rohrer, D. (2012). Interleaving helps students distinguish among similar concepts. Educational Psychology Review, 24, 355-367.)
- Retrieval Practice: During focused, effortful recall, learning is made pliable again. The most salient aspects become clearer and the consequent reconsolidation helps reinforce meaning, strengthen connections to prior knowledge, bolster cues and retrieval routes, and weaken competing routes. The more difficult it is to retrieve the knowledge, the more you get out of the practice. (https://www.kent.edu/CAS/Psychology/resources/cml/upload/Pyc-Rawson-2009-JML-pdf.pdf; https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/0098628314549701)
- Generative Learning: Trying to come up with an answer, even before a solution has been presented. Leads to better learning and stronger retention, even if the answer is wrong. (https://link.springer.com/referenceworkentry/10.1007%2F978-1-4419-1428-6_171)
- Elaboration: The process of finding additional layers of meaning in the material. Connect it to other ideas, expand on it, create metaphors. (Make it Stick - Peter Brown,Henry Roediger,Mark McDaniel)
Complete summary at link
Social Media, Democracy, Working in a connected world. Incredibly insightful books
A List of recommended great books. Contains link to shortlist, which contains books highly recommended by almost all of the lists together creating the original list.
From basic to complex, this book gives you the tools to create beautiful data visualizations.