83 private links
Helps in creating and sharing secrets easily.
Uses AWS and GCE stuff for encryption but can also function without all that and just use GPG or age for encrypting.
Can be used to encrypt specific files in a git repo, or even encrypt/decrypt parts of a file (for example a specific value in a yml or json file).
Very neat and seems really useful!
Cyberduck is a libre FTP, SFTP, WebDAV, Amazon S3, Backblaze B2, Microsoft Azure & OneDrive and OpenStack Swift file transfer client for Mac and Windows.
GUI software to access any and all of the above (and more) protocols/services. Includes e.g. access to both Nextcloud and Dropbox storage and your S3 buckets on top.
Runs in its own GUI so too cumbersome for me, but also is the foundation for the paid 'Mountainduck' software (for Win and Mac) which incorporates everything into the explorer GUI and thus runs as invisibly as on Linux mounts. Pretty clever!
Featureful ncurses based MPD client inspired by ncmpc with integration for Beets, spectrum visualization,Bandcamp/Soundcloud, asciimatics, cantata, and more - doctorfree/MusicPlayerPlus
Seems like a more featureful alternative to ncmpcpp?
A big list of games. All run on Linux. All are free. (though some free-to-play with payment models between optional and required included).
Really good list, especially considering the strategy and roguelike categories!
An exhaustively detailed (and example-oriented) tutorial on creating template files for voidlinux and making sure that they work.
Even goes into different build systems, contributing your changes upstream and more.
Termbin.com is a command line pastebin - easy way to share your terminal output.
The only requirement is netcat!
Another greeter frontend - mimicking ly but apparently written in a more framework agnostic way. (Such that it also works with voidlinux whereas ly does not for example)
Very nice display manager that works with wayland and uses simple (often one-liner) scripts to set up new desktop environments/window managers.
This way you can exactly control what happens as a WM is started,
plus it uses PAM as authentication and works with and without systemd.
Neat way to manage a (bare-metal) server through the web-browser. Similar to things like webmin or cpanel but completely open and free as far as I can see.
Under the hood it's all based on cli commands (for firewall, logs, network management etc) and especially systemd (everything is invoked through systemd commands initially, can spawn nspawn VMs, manage services, ...). Really neat!
Amazing comparison of all kinds of keyboard rebinding software (like keyd) for linux. Goes over some really neat nuances and contains programs I did not know of before.
Alternative to clipman
for wayland, might be a little simpler on its backend?
A systemd-analogous supervisor just for user services: think of it a little like systemd --user
However, also works with distributions that do not bring systemd along,
so instead rely on s6, runit or similar.
It uses a systemd-like service file format.
A whole bunch of pre-made service files can be found here: ~whynothugo/superd-services
An good example of how to lock the computer and send it to sleep on a timer.
Uses swaylock
and wayidle
, so primarily made for wayland.
An open-source cross-platform alternative to AirDrop. Local file sharing easy through being on a single connection.
When archlinux switches to a new python base version, the AUR packages installed with an AUR helper do not automatically re-install themselves for the new environment.
End result is that most AUR python-dependent packages now error out with missing module errors (since they are looking in the old python env).
To show packages which have any of their files located in the python lib directory (i.e. all python-dependent packages):
pacman -Qoq /usr/lib/python3.8/
Here's how to find and reinstall packages depending on a certain base package or path (take care of how to input either path or package!):
pacman -Qoq /usr/lib/python3.8/ | paru -S --rebuild -
pactree -r qt-base --depth 1 -l | paru -Ta | paru -S - --rebuild
yay -S --rebuildall --noconfirm $(yay -Qqo /usr/lib/python3.8/)
Basically a wrapper around the ffmpeg conversion functionality.
Takes care of some things like entering metadata, can optionally receive an audible authcode, and provides some convenience. I would nevertheless suggest directly using ffmpeg itself and grabbing the authcode from one of your files directly.
Perhaps the best way to mount your android phone storage into the PC.
I found it to be more stable and useful than similar projects such the various mtp fs implementations.
Spiritual successor to the base16 flavours theme manager. Works almost the same way but can not build themes on its own.
Uses the 'tinted-theming' ecosystem instead of the chriskempson base16 one - it seems to be built a little more logically and less haphazardly but in the end provides basically the same functionality.
isync/mbsync and offlineimap alternative. Looks pretty good and has a simple enough config!
At the moment unfortunately no way to 'include' things in the config file that I can see,
so no way to implement an externally sourced username/password style.
Learn how to rename Linux users and move their home directories to a new path, as well as renaming their primary group and UID using usermod and groupmod.
Since I always forget, this simply lists the three commands in order with terse explanation.