89 private links
Mounting block devices in LXC containters in incus
Restore ONLY the files from a fsarchiver archive made with savefs - usually you would need an empty partition and it would be a destructive operation.
Supremely clever solution - creates an empty image file, connects it to a loopback device to which fsarchiver writes as if it's a partition. Then you can simply mount the resulting file and tada - your files are back.
I like Docker, but I don’t like how it interferes with firewall rules. Moreover, I like to keep the base OS of every server as basic and clean as possible and use unprivileged Incus / LXD containers to run services.
Amazing debian guide for setting up all the btrfs niceties that we take for granted - snapshots, rollbacks, automatic grub entries.
Also shows which directories to exclude and what debian does differently.
Changes the systemd acpi event from 'HandleLidSwitch = suspend' to in etc/systemd/logind.conf ignore and that's it.
"Incus containers and Incus Virtual Machines store their data in the default storage pool that is created when you installed Incus. You can use storage pools in other ways and even create supplemental storage pools. In December of 2023, I presented a video tutorial entitled LXD Storage Pools & Volumes. This tutorial is a follow-on to that one, however this time we focus on Storage Pools in Incus."
An in-depth tutorial from the basics of container storage management in incus to passthrough of usb devices like harddrives and so on.
Complete guide to using the 'omv-backup' plugin (in plugin-extras nowadays) with the fsarchiver
option. Made for bare-metal to bare-metal but can presumably be adapted for other usecases.
Amazing introduction to glitching (volt/fault injection) for microcontrollers.
Using only an LCD, Arduino and a couple mosfets/oscillators and resistors they show hacking an ATMega328p complete with instructions, pictures and code.
A guide to a variety of techniques for prompt engineering LLMs, e.g. chain of thought, meta prompting, tree of thought, and more. Starts with simple introductions to prompting elements.
Amazing site if you like to sew. Comes with patterns, measurements, showcases, tips, and simple guides. All free and open source.
Best knot learning page. Simple animations, and distinguished by types.
Shows a step-by-step procedure to upgrad PG behind a docker container.
Can be adapted for other version differences.
Needed a few tweaks on my side, especially if using a different username/password/role, discussed here.
Successfully migrated my nextcloud database on-premises using the following:
export USNAME=<my-db-username>
export PAWOO=<my-db-password>
mkdir -p pg16
docker run --rm -v $(pwd)/nextcloud_db/_data:/var/lib/postgresql/12/data -v $(pwd)/pg16:/var/lib/postgresql/16/data -e POSTGRES_USER=$USNAME -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=$PAWOO -e PGUSER=$USNAME -e POSTGRES_INITDB_ARGS="-U $USNAME" tianon/postgres-upgrade:12-to-16
Which then leaves me to move the resulting pg16 dir either into the other volume, overwriting existing data or just switching it around.
Take care that the pg16 directory that you are writing into exists but is completely empty otherwise there will be errors.
Taking you through Selection queries, predicates, parameterized queries, aggregations, transformations for datalog, an SQL-like database query language.
Solve puzzles. Learn CUDA.
Learning GPU programming ideas by solving coding puzzles step-by-step. Seems really neat, especially that it uses python so you can focus on the actual ideas instead of syntax, etc.
A video solving some of the early puzzles can be found here
An interesting series of video lessons matching programming instructions and algorithms with processor architectures and assembly equivalents.
NOT free!
An amazing introductory book for jujutsu
Extensive explanations of how to attribute CC licenses, for different kinds of media, for straight usage, for modifications and more.
Very in-depth and a good resource.
An exhaustive guide on researching user needs (intended for products but equally applicable to other consumption-facing processes).
Very neat and condensed collection of thoughts about interview- and observation-style research.
Nice to learn how to make pynvim and lua interoperate for neovim.
An exhaustively detailed (and example-oriented) tutorial on creating template files for voidlinux and making sure that they work.
Even goes into different build systems, contributing your changes upstream and more.