83 private links
Paste any magnet link/ info hash or open the torrent file and start downloading or watching torrent content safely and anonymously through your web browser. Works instantly without client and registration!
Can stream videos, download files, and a little more - very neat!
Automatic beets importer.
Runs a web-server which enables you to, after downloading some music, call a simple script to start a beets library import.\
curl \
--request POST \
--data-urlencode "path=<path_to_deluge_downloads>" \
--data-urlencode "name=$2" \
--header "X-API-Key: <your_api_key>" \
Intended for torrent applications but can easily be made to work with youtube-dl, or any other scriptable callback.
Truly decentralized move-streaming application. Somewhat akin to bittorrent streaming (though, afaik, using IPFS).
Could be very interesting in the future, example public domain movies keyL QmR9f898E2Y6H4rUqUQkB5g615wht1q4fxCPfZzxA4jXaR
nice commandline client for transmission
Updated list of public BitTorrent trackers. Contribute to ngosang