83 private links
"BadWolf is a minimalist and privacy-oriented WebKitGTK+ browser.
No browser-level tracking, multiple ephemeral isolated sessions per new unrelated tabs, JavaScript off by default
Small codebase (~1 500 LoC), reuses existing components when available or makes them available
WebKitGTK native extensions, Interface customizable through CSS
Powerful & Usable
Stable User-Interface; The common shortcuts are available, no vi-modal edition or single-key shortcuts are used
No annoyances
Dialogs are only used when required (save file, print, …), javascript popups open in a background tab"
Seems surprisingly mature for its young (4ish years?) age.
If you want to convert an Audible .aax file into a less restrictive file format, you can do so with ease using FFmpeg, one of my all-time favorite GPL projects.
The FOSS ecosystem’s many benefits present only a few minor annoyances for sysadmins - the most significant of which is the need for research, as well as trial-and-error, when investigating new software to employ in your stack.
Presented applications:
sox mpv vapoursynth ffmpeg mkvtoolnix-cli graphicsmagick
Pure go library for creating and processing Office Word (.docx), Excel (.xlsx) and Powerpoint (.pptx) documents - unidoc
similar to todoist in some ways
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You use the community supported version of the original Shaarli project, by Sebastien Sauvage.